TV Shows and Cats, This is My Life

Sep 12, 2012 23:20

- I finally watched the season finale of Common Law and it was excellent! I loved it and I'm definitely happy with how they wrapped up the season by bringing it back to the beginning. This show is definitely my current happy, fluffy show. *hugs it* While I enjoy both of the main cop characters, it is Dr. Ryan who I really love. I hope they continue to find ways to sometimes bring her into the main storyline of the episode in believable ways.

- I'm way behind on White Collar (four episodes) so I can't say much about the season yet. As for Leverage, this season is good so far but not stand out. None of the episodes have been bad but none have hit me as yet. I do like 'more balanced, in touch with his feelings, and knowing what he wants' Nate so that's good. And I liked learning more about Eliot. But things seem not quite as sharp and I'm waiting for an episode which shakes things up a bit.

- For anyone who hasn't seen it, Once Upon a Time finally got a season promo (though not much in the way of pictures yet) on Sunday. Here is a super hi-def version for all your promo watching needs. If I had time I would cap it and talk about it at some length but...

- I'm just about done with my picspam of The Return. The series starts again soon and I have three more of these to do. The Return picspam is rather LARGE (I couldn't resist) but I think I'm going to have to either choose less scenes or not write up so much commentary about them or I'm not going to finish. And I want to finish. It probably doesn't help that I've been inspired to work on OUAT icons as well.

- As far as the whole Midnight kitty situation, he is still mostly living in our garage and it's not because he can't get along with the cats. (They do hiss and growl and avoid him but when he is around but it's more cold war than anything too concerning.) No, it's Ginny. Ginny LOVES him and wants to lick him all over and won't leave him alone. One of these animals is 4 pounds and tiny and the other is over 50 pounds all flailing legs. I don't think Ginny would want to hurt Midnight but until she calms down a bit I don't feel I can leave them alone for more than moment. *sigh*

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tv: leverage, rl: cats, tv: common law, tv: once upon a time, tv

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