Day 15 - Favorite Screwed-up Ships

Dec 15, 2011 21:13

Way back on Day 2 I talked about my favorite fluffy ships and now it's time to talk about my favorite screwed up ships. I don't have as many of these but I definitely ship them HARDER. There is something about completely screwed up power dynamics, bondage, and characters who spend time trying to (or succeeding) kill/torture each other. Combine that with a hero/villain pairing and I don't have a chance. Unlike the fluffy ships, these are ships that people will look at you funny for loving, especially if you love them in their completely fucked up, bad for the characters glory. I can enjoy fluffier versions of these ships but they are even better when they are dirty, messed up, and WRONG.

I have a picspam here of three of my favorites: Doctor/Master, Kara/Leoben, and Buffy/Spike.


They've loved and hated each other for centuries. The Master is perfectly willing to die just to win a round in their endless struggle for domination. But still neither wants to conceive of a universe without the other in it.


She held him captive and tortured him physically and then he held her captive and tortured her mentally. She killed him over and over but he kept coming back. Yet when she is on her way to meet her destiny who does she see in her dreams but Leoben. With lots of paint. And hot sex.


A classic enemies who try to kill either on multiple occasions become lovers story. He chained her up and offered to kill his ex for her. She got into a knock-down, drag-out fight with him and then ripped his clothes off. They seriously love chains and handcuffs. And apparently a perk of being a slayer and a vampire is that you can go for 5 hours straight.

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meme: fandom squee month, tv: bsg, tv: btvs, picspam, tv: doctor who

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