Guess what? Leverage starts up again tonight! \o/ The name of tonight's episode is The Experimental Job.
The team investigates the vanishing of homeless veterans in the Boston area by infiltrating the shadowy world of secret societies.
Huh. If you want SERIOUS spoilers go
here. Sounds like it could be good! Either way, more Leverage! And I have Castle still to watch and Once Upon comes back tonight! :D
In other news, I've committed Once Upon a Time meta. The show is eating my brain! I posted it at
abc_ouat but I thought I'd bring it here too.
I've decided that one thing I love about Once Upon is that it turns our idea of what are stories and what is reality on its head. To us and in any straight drama, Maine is reality and Fairy Tale land is the story but in this show Fairy Tale land is reality and Maine is a STORY. Every person in the town appeared with their story already written, giving them a vague idea of their (fictional) past and how they came to be where they were. (With the curse taking things further by forcing them to stay on the same page of their story and never write any new ones. Don't ask me how Regina didn't go mad in a town where nothing changes and no one remembers.)
Of course, since it's all stories, no one has actually done the things they remember doing in their pasts. People didn't get the degrees they remember getting (Dr. Whale has no medical degree, Mary has no teaching degree), or marry the people they remember marrying (David and Kathyrn never married thought they REMEMBER it), or anything else they know from their pasts.
This makes it interesting when trying to determine motivations of the characters in their story life (ie Maine). It has all been written in so it is basically impossible to judge them! At least for their past. Their present and future are another thing entirely since now they can write new pages and make new decisions for themselves.
Let's take Ashley/Ella. In Maine she has knowingly sold her child and Sean (Thomas) has knowingly abandoned her. In another drama we would judge these people for making such poor choices and having no real character to stand up for what they know is the right thing to do. But here it's all a story! Ashley never chose to sell her child - Ella make a poor decision (which I see as being young, naive, and Rumpelstilskin being very convincing) never dreaming that the price would be her child. Sean never abandoned them - Thomas was stolen by magic as a price for the second deal. Until Emma came to town they were all frozen on that page and couldn't change anything about their lives. It makes no difference if they were there a week or for 28 years. It's all one.
Or how about Kathyrn and David/Charming? If Maine was real we could discuss Kathryn's motivations for coming forward and wonder if she is in league with the Queen (or at least easily lead) but here it's all in the story. Kathryn appeared *poof* remembering a fight and David leaving some time ago. *waves hand vaguely* Not long enough to be terribly concerned considering that they had not been getting along but long enough that she couldn't quite remember when. She existed in this fog of now until time started again. David and Kathyrn never married, never fought (though their analogs may have since we know the relationship ended to make way for Snow and Charming), and Regina never found him by the side of the road. So there is no reason to think badly of Kathyrn - she is only acting out the story she was given - and there is no reason to think of a Mary/David relationship of being in any way cheating - since David not married to anyone else.
Or the Sheriff. He didn't exactly choose to start a relationship with Regina. As with the others, he was written that way.
At this point we know a few of the stories that everyone has been written into with hints of some of the others and I'm quite looking forward to seeing more as well as how they change things now that they can.
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