\o/ I LOVED this episode!
WHOA. My mind is a bit blown by just how EXCELLENT this episode was!!
- They are CERTAINLY not glossing over just how big a dick the Doctor can be in this episode! Yeah, he has to make the hard choices but promising to get them both out and then slamming the door in old!Amy's face with a 'Sorry' was just cold. Very dark Doctor!
- I completely understand Amy being PISSED OFF with the Doctor. Third time he has gotten his timing screwed up and this time it was for 36 years of solitary with homicidal robots. No wonder he wanted young!Amy back.
- Clom?!?! Who would want Clom? I guess Disney would! :D
- Amy/Rory is ♥ I've loved them together since Amy's Choice and I love them even more now!
- I don’t care that you got old. I care that we didn’t do it together. Oh, Rory!
- I LOVED Rory calling the Doctor out! Why DOESN'T he ever check to see if they are walking into a plague? (Or as my husband asked at the beginning of the episode, 'Why doesn't he just turn around and try again to get it right?')
- More Rory lines: Then I don't want to travel with you! and This isn't fair. You're turning me into you. How much more can Rory take before he actively detests the Doctor? He was never starry-eyed about him in the first place but that was some serious disenchantment in this episode! Of course the world/universe is NOT FAIR and someone has to make the decisions. At least the Doctor didn't decide and immediately leave - he left Rory his agency.
- Another episode of doubling and rewriting time and time loops and different time streams! I sense there might be a theme...
- Tell Amy - your Amy - that I'm giving her the days. The days with you. The days to come. Days I can't have. Take them, please. I'm giving you my days. *sniff*
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