I was SO HOPING to have part II of my David Tennant in formal wear picspam done by today at the latest! Christmas and life have conspired though to suck up all my time. I do admit that if I were FOCUSED instead of scatterbrained I still could have done it but sometimes you just have to play mindless computer puzzle games. *g* Also, I found a stash of VERY BIG screencaps so I've decided to pick all new pictures from the ones I had chosen. However, since it's going to be at least another week before I post, I thought I would picspam just a few of the outtakes from the caps I've chosen.
While looking through caps of Ten's three tux wearing episodes, I could see a certain pattern.
First he arrives in his tux. Possibly to check out something suspicious or just to enjoy himself. Either way, he's bouncy and having a bit of fun.
But then things get serious.
And he pulls out the specs! *thud* Just when you think he'd couldn't get sexier!
Followed by the tie loosening! Yeah, you thought tux and specs were the sexiest, but you were wrong. :D
Lastly, we have the aftermath. Which can result in the pouty lip or happy!Ten. Either way, you're lucky to have survived another episode of Ten in his tux.
Look for many more pictures like these after Christmas!