Doctor Who Meme: Day 02 - Your Favorite Classic Series Episode

Aug 04, 2010 01:35

(full meme) Anyone else extremely amused by RTD's opinion on the Doctor Who Johnny Depp movie rumor? (HERE if you haven't read it) Hee. Tell us how you REALLY feel. Though I can certainly understand his annoyance at having to spend a day quashing rumors rather than avoiding writing. Yes, I've been reading The Writer's Tale. He has some of the worst and most self-destructive work habits I've ever heard of!

Day 02 - Your Favorite Classic Series Episode

This is another tough one to answer since there is a fair amount of Classic Who that I either haven't seen or haven't seen in over 20 years. The fuzzy recollections from my childhood are rather unreliable or at least incomplete! (It turns out there are Sontarans in Invasion of Time. Who knew! I certainly couldn't remember them until I saw the episode again recently.) However, even though it doesn't seem fair to the episodes that I either haven't seen or barely remember, I will pick one! :D

City of Death

Four/Romana! *squee* They are so adorable here! I love watching them run around and be cute. But they don't JUST do that. In addition to the lovely chemistry between the Doctor and Romana (any surprise they got married? no matter how short lived it was), there is also a fun plot (involving shifts in time and multiple Mona Lisas), writing by Douglas Adams, and a cameo by John Cleese as an art snob.

Romana: Where are we going?
Doctor: Are you talking philosophically or geographically?
Romana: Philosophically.
Doctor: Then we're going to lunch.

Romana: Shall we take the lift, or fly?
The Doctor: Let's not be ostentatious.
Romana: All right, let's fly then.
The Doctor: That would look silly… We'll take the lift.

doctor who: fourth doctor, meme, tv, meme: dw, tv: doctor who

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