Day 20 - Favorite kiss

Jun 26, 2010 13:00

(full list) I'm up to Best Kiss in the TV meme and, once again, there is no way I can pick just one. Kisses are awesome and I've loved many of them over the years. I did manage to pick a few favorites though - from Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, and Doctor Who; with a special appearance by Blackpool. I doubt that any of these kisses will be shocks to anyone here, but I love them so here they are in picspam form!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Buffy/Spike in Smashed

Okay, this is not so much a kiss as a fight/kiss/sex/building falling down. And everything went to hell the next day; though I do love a fucked up relationship so I didn't mind until the writers decided to hammer the fucked-upness over my head. I remember watching this in shock with my mouth hanging open. Could they show that on tv? Apparently they could! *fans self*

Battlestar Galactica - Kara/Leoben in Exodus Part II

Continuing my love of sick and twisted kisses, I bring you the Kara/Leoben kiss in Exodus. Leoben is obsessed with Kara and has been holding her prisoner for months, while Kara has been periodically getting her hands on weapons and killing him. Unfortunately for her, he's a cylon and can just keep coming back for more. This kiss comes about because he's pushed her into a corner and didn't give her a choice. She killed him again right after though. *g* Completely fucked up and I love it.

Doctor Who - Ten II/Rose in Journey's End

A less sick and twisted kiss this time! I think feelings about this kiss have a lot to do with one's feelings about Ten II. I ♥ Ten II and enjoy the Doctor/Rose relationship so consider this kiss to be a hopeful one. As well as damn hot. All wrapped around each other without a speck of air between them. Yum. I'm including the Confidential version of the kiss because it is the hottest version. :D

Blackpool - All Peter/Natalie Kisses

Yep, I love them all. David Tennant has never been sexier than he was as Peter Carlisle (as sexy but never sexier) and every kiss is gorgeous. Since I've picspammed Blackpool many times already, have a placeholder kiss pic (though a particularly good one *g*) and links to the rest: First Kiss, Tower Kiss, and Many More Kisses!

david tennant, meme, tv, picspam: tennant, meme: tv, tv: doctor who, tv: bsg, tv: btvs, picspam

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