I have seen Flesh and Stone! And it was good! Kept me interested and I think it hung together well. Look for a more detailed review and picspam coming to this journal soon! But, before I do that, I do have one issue that I want to mention.
It has to do with the crack in time and how it is apparently sucking up events. So far we have two events that the Doctor has mentioned and haven't been remembered: the Cyberking and the Earth getting stolen by Daleks. (More may have been mentioned in later episodes, but I'm not there yet!)
My gut reaction to this is: DO NOT WANT. That reaction is partially because I will not be pleased if the Tenth Doctor is erased. Though I would REALLY not be pleased. Step off Ten.
The other part is that pulling one thread unravels whole piles of other episodes and it hurts my head. *ow*
Cyberking - Okay, I'll give him that. The Next Doctor is a stand-alone and getting rid of it doesn't really change anything else.
Daleks stealing the Earth - No! That needs to stay. Let's break it down:
• No daleks on Earth means Adelaide doesn't get mysteriously spared by one and isn't inspired to colonize Mars => no Waters of Mars.
• No daleks also means no metacrisis => no Ten II and no DoctorDonna saving the universe. This may seem good since, 'Yay! Donna doesn't lose her memories!' But that's just because she doesn't have them in the first place.
• No daleks => no stolen planets at all. So no Adipose on Earth leading to no Partners in Crime and we've lost all of season 4 as we know it. Now so far we still have The Runaway Bride so Donna has met Ten but without her DoctorDonnaness leaking back in time, there's no reason for her to find him again.
• We also have no Martha/Mickey (since he couldn't come back with the walls coming down); no Rose/Ten II (since he doesn't exist and she can't come back); and I'm not sure who the Doctor hung out with in End of Time since he barely knows Wilf.
&bull We may also have to get rid of Daleks in Manhattan (not that many would be sad to lose it *g*) since we can't have Cahn going back and getting Davros out of the time lock.
None of this may mean anything by the time we get to the finale but I'm not happy with the implication that season 4 is gone. I want it back. *stomps foot* I remember all the speculation that RTD was going to retcon his years out of existence. Personally, I never found it plausible that he would. However, there is no reason that Moffat couldn't. River is safe since she sent the Doctor a message and that could happen with or without Donna. But the rest could be sucked up by the crack.