Doctor Who - The Beast Below

Apr 11, 2010 09:56

I just watched and I have a few quick points to make right now. Expect a more detailed review/picspam in a couple of days.

Well, it's good to know that the Doctor is still fully capable of hypocrisy, turning on a dime about his opinion of humanity, emotional blackmail, and very large helpings of ego. *g* It's lucky that I like him like that. He's also more obviously nonlinear than he's been in a while. I like that as well. I'm definitely enjoying what Smith brings to the role!

We also know now that Moffat is perfectly capable of writing plots that make no damn sense. The whale came to save them and they decided to torture it? Why? And then they killed (by feeding to the whale) all dissenters. Not a shock that the Doctor was disgusted. I'm going to say that it is a dip down from the excitement of the first episode (though that would have been a hard act to follow no matter what) and shares altogether too much with a less than stellar episode of Torchwood also involving a space whale though the plot reminds me a bit of The Doctor's Daughter where, okay we can see how it ended up but the question of it how got there is left unanswered.

At least everyone forgetting clears up a few of the plot holes (even if it opens new ones). Like why they didn't build and engine in 300 years. And why no one questioned torturing the whale. They forgot!

Ah well, it's a good thing I'm in for the characters and not the plotting! Because both Eleven and Amy were great. Eleven's disgust with the human race was well played and I loved that Amy solved the problem. The leap of intuition was marvelous. And the hug at the end was lovely.

A few other notes:

The Smileys were properly creepy. Ick!

Also ick was the mouth of the space whale and the way they got out. I'm just happy I wasn't eating anything.

I loved the references to the previous Queen Elizabeths that the Doctor has known.

Liz X was awesome and badass.

Forgetting your history is a bad thing! You're condemned to repeat it. :D

We're seriously in the fairytale vein this season. The opening voice over, Amy still wearing her nightgown, the Doctor is a legend.

doctor who: s5, doctor who: review, tv, tv: doctor who

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