Hamlet Trailer Picspam

Dec 18, 2009 11:36

I have to say that I absolutely ADORE the new Hamlet trailer! (Go watch it! Disclaimer: Hamlet is NOT showing tonight. It will be showing on the 26th in Britain.) *loves it to pieces* As an American who did not make the long trek to England to see this live, I'm so pleased to finally see the actors ACTING. I read the reviews and looked the pictures, but it's always only a pale shadow of the play. I CAN'T WAIT to watch this!!! EEEEEE!!! *deep breath* Anyway, I'm a little excited, just a little, and had to make a few caps from the trailer.

Ahhh! *melts* Those eyes..so amazing.

Poor, crazy Hamlet. With the unbuttoned shirt. Guh.

david tennant, dt: stage: hamlet, dt: stage, picspam: tennant, picspam

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