Today is a good day! The weather is gorgeous and I'm on the mend from my cold. A few Tennant-related items:
10_point_5 finished my Doctor/Master fic!! Yay! And it's not only finished, it's awesome! *bounce* I gave her the prompt of 'the Doctor knows what he wants and he wants the Master.' From that nebulous beginning, she came up with a funny and scorchingly hot fic from the Master's point of view. Go read it if you've ever wondered what exactly the Doctor did after the phone sex conversation to work up such an appetite. Go! Just remember that the Master is not AT ALL interested. Nope. Not even a little. Hee.
Unpublished Memoirs by
10_point_5 10/Simm!Master, Adult
In other awesome news, the wonderful
xebgoc (fangirl of many Tennant pictures) found me the Glorious 39 premiere pictures that I was looking for! This is the one in particular:
The neck, the stubble, the expression...guh. I rather like this picture. *g*
Since I was rifling through her collection anyway, I grabbed a couple more. And, you know, the checked suit is seriously growing on me. The first time I saw it, I thought 'What?!? My eyes!' but now I'm finding it damn hot. I also like the pebbly textured shirt he picked to go with it. Black but with some attitude. Also, open collar FTW.
Close-up of the previous picture. We can see a little bit of chest hair in this one.
I don't know what going on with these two pictures but they make me smile. Also, the second picture shows off the cut of the suit very nicely.
Very wide eyes! Also, tongue...
Hee. Dimples!
This is a crop from one of the group photos. Getting everyone to look in the same direction must be like herding cats.
Another one where David is not getting with the program. Instead he gives us a very nice profile.