This confidential has another interview on the couch of Ood head and and Sontaran head discussions from earlier confidentials. (most likely all done together since he's wearing the same shirt and tie) We also have a little bit of him interviewing outside during the Library episodes looking especially tasty. Yum.
Mmmmm...neck!porn. Is he still reminiscing back to the Ood heads?
Yes, I think he is!
None in this episode though. Poor David!
He's all happy here that he suggested Fenella Woolgar to play Agatha Christie. Hee. They usually don't take his suggestions, but this time they did and he thinks they should listen to him more often.
Too adorkable!
'Maybe they'll listen to me more if I give them some neck!porn and a nice profile shot!'
'I have it! Oral fixation FTW!'
*fangirl brains melt* 'Oh damn. I was too sexy! They can't listen to me now.'
Here he's explaining how hard it was to drive the 1920s cars at the just the right speed to stay right between the film crews. Especially with the owner watching you to make sure you didn't ruin their car. *g*
A little bit of a hair ruffle, but just the back. He's teasing us!
For some reason I really like this cap...
I think he should have gone tie free in the library episodes. It's working for me.
A bit of hand!porn. His hands and fingers look so incredibly long here.
Hee. Cute.
I love the nose wrinkle.
David Tennant and Catherine Tate are cooler than us.
Awww. Dad of Tennant. A look into the future...