Yay! Hamlet Movie! Picspam!

May 29, 2009 23:55

I know that I'm late with the bouncing and squee about the Hamlet movie (BBC link and RSC link), but I bring pictures to compensate! I got very excited and ran around celebrating in other people's posts then I said to my self 'self how many Hamlet pictures do you have???' It turns out I have a lot! So, to properly celebrate my future Hamlet viewing, I have a picpsam of every single Hamlet picture that I've collected over the past several months! They are in no particular order, just the order that I saved them to my photobucket, but they're all good. Enjoy! Please note that some of the pictures are quite large!

(Pictures acquired from various sources, including larissa_j, xebgoc, and d-t.com)

dt: stage, picspam: tennant, picspam

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