Fandom Roundup

Mar 04, 2009 19:19

• Apparently, David Tennant is rather popular. Who knew? *g* Radio Times is making more of the Tennant cover (seen here) than any of the others. You'll still have to get lucky in finding a story with his cover, but not as lucky as you would need to be for the James McAvoy cover or any of the others.

Publisher BBC Magazines produced equal numbers of all 21, except for the David Tennant version, which appeared in London, Scotland and Wales.

"We know how popular David Tennant is with readers, so we adjusted our print run accordingly," said BBC Magazines head of communications Sarah Williams.

• Sadly for fans of the American Life on Mars, it has been canceled. I only saw a bit of the pilot (the lead actor really did not appeal to me), but I did here that it was getting its bearings and showing some potential. On the plus side, it did loads better than the American Blackpool. Not that it would be hard...

• In Life news, humansrsuperior has just made an awesome vid of the show. She used This is Your Life from The Fight Club as the music, and the song sounds as if it was written for him. Even if you have no idea what the show is about, I would recommend watching this vid. The editing, the lyric matches, and the technical ability make it worth viewing.

• I've gotten a bit behind on both The Closer and Burn Notice, but I'm starting to catch up. I'm only 2 or 3 episodes behind at this point. Yay! I can see the light! They're both fun shows that I'm enjoying without feeling the need to study. I have just two small notes about them.

While I understand that the writers of The Closer will sometimes feel the need to mess with the formula, it makes me unsettled. I have certain expectations when watching the show and one of them is that Brenda will catch the bad guy. When she doesn't, it is unsatisfying. Not that I didn't like the episode, the guest star (name?) did a great job and the cast was at its usual standard.

As far as Burn Notice, I'm not a shipper by nature anyway, but even so I've been meh about Michael/Fiona. That said, DAMN there were some sparks at the end of the firetrap episode. Just the look on his face when he realized that she was alive was very hot. Add in the bit where he was dripping wet and...whew.

david tennant, tv: life on mars, fandom: vid rec, tv: life, tv: the closer, everything is related to david tennant, tv: burn notice

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