Yay Sugar! Yay Threesome Fic!

Feb 01, 2009 11:36

Hello all! I am in great mood today! *bounce* We finished eating Belgian waffles a little while ago that I made with my new waffle maker. Yum! I start the batter the night before and let it rise on counter. Then in the morning I stir in some eggs, vanilla, and baking soda. Yeasted waffles are awesome! Especially with some maple syrup. I love maple syrup so much! Lots of exclamation points today! Maybe because I had sugar for the first time in a month. *g* No reason, just wanted to see if I could do it and I did. Of course, now I'm all 'yay sugar' and feeling very bouncy!

Other reasons I am in a great mood:

• Last night was date night! Which for us these days means putting Chicklet to bed early and then eating an awesome meal in front of the tv while drinking wine leading to us going to bed early. I made filet mignon with bourbon blue cheese sauce, roasted potatoes, and steamed edamame. Very excellent! I may post the filet recipe later. No pictures though this time since I was too busy enjoying it to find my camera.

• Battlestar Galactica provided us with an intense episode that had me holding my breath! I loved every minute of it! I certainly hope that they will continue to be as good since there isn't much time left for episodes that have me going 'meh.' I'll be posting a review later, though since I was drinking (see above), it may be a bit more disjointed than usual. *g*

• After BSG, we watched an episode of All Creatures Great and Small using our Netflix streaming. Yay! We both love that show and haven't seen it in a very long time. Peter Davidson is so young there.

• Also, and this makes my VERY happy, 10_point_5 has written Ten/Ten II/Rose fic!!! I knew she could do it as soon as I read some of her other fanfic. She writes excellent porn and just needed to work herself up to this. *fans self* It includes jealous, possessive Ten (both of them), swirly tie bondage, corridor sex, and the proper use of Ten's oral fixation. Go read if you haven't already! Encourage her to write more OT3!

The Oncoming Threesome (1/1), NC-17, Ten/Rose/Ten II by 10_point_5

tv: bsg, cooking, fandom: fic rec, tv: doctor who

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