TV Notes

Nov 21, 2008 12:36

• I watched The Devil's Whore with John Simm last night. Without giving too much away for those who have yet to see it, the show was beautifully done with gorgeous costumes and sets. A lot of the first episode seemed to be setup, to introduce the characters and set the stage for war, but it moved along nicely and kept my interest. Also, Simm was brooding and sexy as was advertised. I did end up making a bunch of screencaps of his performance, so a more detailed review of at least his portion of the episode is forthcoming.

• I think that Tim Kring of Heroes needs to get his head out of his ass. Calling everyone who watches your show live instead of using a DVR or streaming an idiot is not the way to improve viewer loyalty. Also, saying that DVRs make it harder to follow serialized shows has got to be the dumbest thing I've heard in quite a while. Seriously, WTF? Perhaps instead of insulting your viewers or blaming DVRs for your poor ratings, you should...I don't know, maybe...write a more compelling storyline. It's just a thought.

• It looks like Pushing Daisies is no more. *is sad* I'm not surprised, but I was hoping for a full second season. Once they package up the whole thing on DVD, I'll have to get it. About the only good thing about this is that Brian Fuller might go back to Heroes which would help with the whole more compelling storyline issue.

• Now I'm wondering how the writer's strike affected Pushing Daisies and Life. Both shows were thematically strong last year with modest but decent ratings. Move forward to this season and both of them see a significant ratings drop accompanied by a certain amount of flailing about from one episode to the next. At least Life looks like it's going to get a chance to work things out and pull itself together.

actor: john simm, tv: pushing daisies, tv: life, tv: heroes

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