Pushing Daisies - Dim Sum, Lose Some

Oct 31, 2008 23:56

We're getting such a backlog on our TiVO! If we don't get watching some shows, I'm going to despair that we'll ever catch up. So, tonight we watched Pushing Daisies and at least we're caught up on this show.

This episode certainly made me hungry! I know that the pies are featured in every episode, but I can't get really good Chinese food anywhere near my house, and all the raptures about the dumplings made me wish I could get some right this minute.

Lots of dirty jokes and double entendres again this episode; this time we get a couple of come jokes. I wonder it they're trying to spice things up a bit? I'd say that the return of Simone would certainly help with that. She has the dominatrix thing going on and has Emerson sitting up and begging.

I love the half brothers. There's two of them, they make a whole. It was so funny seeing Ned's eyebrows on them; it was a great sight gag. Also, I loved the hugs they gave him at the end. Ned needs this kind of human contact and he's so afraid of it, that's it's nice that his brothers aren't.

Both Olive and Chuck had some awesome outfits. I loved the undercover costumes for the restaurant and the pie delivery ones. Speaking of the pie delivery, Olive was quite taken with the brothers. I'd be interested to see if that goes anywhere. Emerson is getting some. Olive deserves some too.

tv: pushing daisies

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