Heroes - Eris Quod Sum

Oct 28, 2008 22:17

I think that this season is finally coming together! I quite enjoyed last weeks episode and this weeks as well. After I watch the episode I looked over some of the review sites, and the episode was rather throughly panned, but I don't care. I liked it anyway.

Arthur Petrelli is making an interesting villain. I don't know quite what he's after and I'm okay with that since it makes sense that he's not going to share the plan if he doesn't have to. Maybe it's silly for most everyone to be connected to the Petrelli family in one way or another, but I like it. Form the beginning of the show, I've been interested in the relationship Peter and Nathan, between them and their mother, and then Claire, and now Sylar and Arthur. The family connections just tie it together for me in a way that wouldn't work if it wasn't there.

Sylar continues to hold my interest in his journey towards personhood. He was two dimensional in previous seasons, but now he gaining some depth. I loved how Angela made it into his dream and it turned out that the drugs only convinced him that he couldn't do anything, but really he could get out whenever he wanted. And then he decided to stick with dad either as a double agent or for his own purposes but keeping his options open by saving Peter.

I'm not sure why Claire though it would be such a great idea to take Elle on an airplane. There are several powers that I wouldn't want in an airplane and uncontrolled electrical power is certainly one of them. Also, how does Daphne expect to keep a secret from Matt? Unless she's told him all about Arthur's orders already, he's going to know soon.

tv: heroes

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