Life on Mars 206 - Review and Picspam

Oct 03, 2008 22:51

After a bit of a hiatus, I am moving forward on my Life on Mars viewing! Not watching the rest of the episodes doesn't make any more new episodes appear. It just means I never watch the end. So, I'm going to make a concerted effort to finish this up in the next week or two. That way I can move onto other shows with Simm in them. Like maybe, State of Play, of which I've watched half. Time to see the other half. *g*

In this episode, Mya breaks up with Sam since she can't deal anymore with keeping her life on hold waiting for someone she no longer believes will wake up. And Sam deals with the breakup in the way he does any other problem in the future: by freaking out Mya's mom. Not that he freaks out Mya's mom every time, but he does have a pattern of freaking out all the younger versions of the people he knows. His mom, his dad, his aunt, his mentor, and so on. Luckily for him all the people of coma land take his rantings pretty much in stride.

Sam gets another unpleasant wake up call. Does he ever get up happy here? I'm trying to think of any times when he's bounded out of bed. It must have happened at least once, even if we didn't see it.

His day has improved. He's gotten to make some snarky, if anachronistic, remarks about Gene's driving. I have to say that was an excellent opening sequence with the car bombing through alleyways just barely missing the pedestrians, but never slowing down.

Mmmmmm. Closed eyes and turned head.

Ooops. There's someone in the record shop who for some reason reminds Sam of Mya. *I wonder why* Also, Chris is 0 for 2 here. First the homicide victim is not in fact dead and now there's someone in a shop he declared empty.

I'm not sure how I think about the chemistry between Sam and girlfriend's mom. At least she's not interested in anything other than friendship.

Nice smile! Whatever I think of their chemistry, that is a great smile. It's so nice seeing Sam happy.

And now we crash back down into the dumps. Poor sad Sam with tears running down his face.

I just like this cap. Guh.

The biggest reason not to have a tag line is that people might just take you up on it. I get the feeling that the female criminal (who's name I didn't catch) was very disappointed not to let the ferret loose. This scene shows how much Gene is losing it over the heroin showing up on his streets. He's willing to do whatever it takes to stop the drug running.

Excellent intense look.

A little homoerotic tension here.

Annie looks pissed off here. I'm not sure if she believes Sam or not but either way she really doesn't like the idea of another woman in Sam's apartment. Even if nothing happened this time, he's obviously getting close to someone else that's not Annie.

Sam found his special broken radio but it's not telling him anything he wants to know.

Oh, shit. She's my girlfriend's mother. And she's pregnant with Mya right now.

Guh. I adore the look on his face here.

Take away the iron and this would be just perfect. Sam's very lucky there was a power cut just as the iron heated up. I love continuity of the iron mark on his shirt after they untie him.

Another excellent look. Sam's figuring everything out. He's just lucky that Chris developed some competence since poking a sociopath is not good for your health.

And we end the episode with a drink, some male bonding, and a laugh. Always good to end with a laugh.

actor: john simm, tv: life on mars, picspam

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