Why I Love the Tenth Doctor Part I

Sep 14, 2008 16:05

I have *finally* finished my 'Why I Love Ten' post! It was harder than I thought it would be to say something more coherent than 'I love him, he's awesome, so there!' but I've managed. *whew* It was seeing fid_gin's Ten Love Post that got me unblocked. I think I just needed to see some happy Ten love to be in the proper mood. And since she shamelessly stole the idea from me (*g*), I thought I'd steal from her post as well. Not much, just the idea of the list/picspam. Well...some of her list too, but I'll use different supporting evidence. Well...mostly different supporting evidence; there may be some overlap. Hee.

Also, since this is the post that ate my computer because it's so damn big, I've split it into two. Here is part I. Part II will arrive when I'm done gathering up all the supporting evidence of his awesomeness and manage to format it. Since I have to step away from the computer occasionally, it'll probably be tomorrow.

Caps from larissa_j.

1. Yeah, he's damn hot and I obviously love that.

Like fid_gin, I want to get that out of the way right from the start. It's not as though I could hide my opinion of his sexiness. One quick look around my journal makes my opinion clear. Here's the thing though, I think he's hot because I love Ten; I don't love Ten because I think he's hot. It took me a while to fully appreciate the full extent of his hotness and I had fallen in love with the character already. Yes, I know that I might need to get my eyes examined. Onto the pictorial evidence!

2. I love his gob.

From the moment he woke up in The Christmas Invasion, he's never stopped talking. He's manic, full of energy, and a little insane. Even though he's willing and able to smack down his enemies, he'd rather talk himself out of and sometimes into trouble. I love his energy and how he talks a mile a minute. He's all stream of consciousness with his mouth just barely able to keep up with his mind. Luckily he always stays near a door.

(TCI) DOCTOR: See, there's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I-- I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. (walks around, addressing everyone) Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? (looks at Rose) Sexy? (winks cheekily - she smiles shyly) Right old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob.

(AoS) LUMIC: Your words are irrelevant.
THE DOCTOR: (grinning) Talk too much, that's my problem. Lucky I got you that cheap tariff, Rose. For all our long chats. On your PHONE.

(TC) FIVE: Shut up! There is something wrong with my TARDIS and I've got to do something about it very, very quickly, and it would help, it really would help, if there wasn't some skinny idiot ranting in my face about everything that happens to be in front of him!

(FotD) DOCTOR: Thing about me, I'm stupid, I talk too much, always babbling on, this gob doesn't stop for anything. Wanna know the only reason I'm still alive? Always stay near the door.

3. I love his brokenness.

While she was there Rose did help him to paper over the gaping wound of the time war. With her he could forget for a while and just be happy. But that doesn't mean he was healed or that the guilt and pain of having killed his entire race had disappeared. Having her torn away allowed all that to come crashing down on him again to the point where he could barely distract himself. And crash down it did. And here's the thing, while the pain does make him tortured, it doesn't make him noble or perfect. Nope. It gives him a death wish so that he doesn't care if everyone around him dies so long as his pain ends. It encourages him to shut down and ignore the pain of others; he couldn't save his people so how could he save others. It makes him a hypocrite - yeah there may be a picture of him under genocide but the caption doesn't read what he says it reads. But I still love him. I love how messed up he is, how selfish he can be when wallowing in his pain, and that he's so caught up in himself that he can't see himself clearly. And, let's face it, he looks damn pretty when he's hurting.

(EotD) DOCTOR: All right, so it's my turn! Then kill me! Kill me if it'll stop you attacking these people!
DALEK #1: I will be the destroyer of our greatest enemy.
DOCTOR: Then do it! Do it! Just do it! (beats on his chest) Do it!

(FoP) DONNA: But your own planet, it burned.
THE DOCTOR: (looks at her) That's just it. Don't you see, Donna? Can't you understand? If I could go back and save them then I would, but I can't. I can never go back! I can't! I just... can't! (softer) I can't.

(DD) DOCTOR: Hang on, hang on, a second ago it was peace in our time, now you're talking about genocide!?
GENERAL COBB: For us, that means the same thing.
DOCTOR: Then you need to get yourself a better dictionary. When you do, look up genocide. You'll see a little picture of me there and the caption will read 'Over my dead body'!

(DD) DOCTOR: You're an echo, that's all. A Time Lord is so much more. A sum of knowledge. A code. A shared history. A shared suffering. (pause) Only it's gone now. All of it. Gone forever.
JENNY: What happened?
DOCTOR: There was a war.
JENNY: Like this one?
He laughs at the absurdity of the comparison.
DOCTOR: Bigger. Much bigger.
JENNY: And you fought? And killed?
DOCTOR: (darkly) Yes.

4. I love his sense of wonder in the face of scary monsters.

Oh, he also sees the scary monster, but his first response isn't fear. It's wonder and amazement. After all this time, he's still awed by every new thing that the universe can show him. He hasn't lost his sense of joy or his love of travel. Though some may see him as afraid to stay in the same place; always running only because it's too painful to look back, he travels because he needs to see what's ahead of him. This doesn't mean that he's not running from what's behind him, just that what drives him is what's ahead.

(TaC) The Doctor turns and stares at the werewolf with wide-eyed awe as it grabs hold of the bars of the cage.
THE DOCTOR: Oh, that's beautiful!

(TGitF) DOCTOR: Oh, you are beautiful!
Mickey and Rose edge closer in curiosity, and the Doctor puts on his glasses to examine it more closely.
DOCTOR: No really, you are, you're gorgeous! Look at that! Space age clockwork, I love it! I've got chills! Listen, seriously, I mean this from the heart - and, by the way, count those - it would be a crime, it would be an act of vandalism to disassemble you.
He takes one last wistful look at the droid before holding up the sonic screwdriver.
DOCTOR: But that won't stop me.

(TUatW) They reach the top of the stairs and stop when they see the wasp.
AGATHA: By all that's holy...
DOCTOR: Oh, but you are wonderful! (the wasp faces him) Now, just stop there.

5. I love that he's a science geek.

I could do a whole post on his geekiness. There's hardly an episode where he doesn't expound on the awesomeness of books, or do some weird science experiment, or discuss recreational mathematics. Just think of that last one - recreational mathematics. How many heroes love math so much that they think it's fun? He makes being a science geek cool with his geek chic, his brainy specs, and his insatiable curiosity.

(DiM) The Doctor is up in the balcony with the blob hooked up to his hand-made scanner. He sets the beam from one of the stage lights on it.
DOCTOR: That's it. Let's warm you up.
(The Doctor puts on his glasses and starts to examine it.)

(TLE) THE DOCTOR: And that's two impossible things we've seen tonight. Don't you love it when that happens?
MARTHA: That means Lazarus has changed his own molecular patterns.
THE DOCTOR: Hypersonic sound waves to destabilize the cell structure then a mutagenic program to manipulate the coding in the protein strands. Basically, he hacked into his own genes and instructed them to rejuvenate.

(TSoD) The DOCTOR takes apart the mobile and the laptop. He then takes MARTHA and JACK's TARDIS keys. He uses the sonic screwdriver to weld circuitry to the keys. He then ties them to string so they can be worn around the neck
DOCTOR: Three TARDIS keys, three pieces of the TARDIS with low-level perception properties because the TARDIS is designed to blend in. Well, sort of, but... Now! The Archangel Network's got a second low-level signal. Weld the key to the network and...Martha, (steps back) look at me. You can see me, yes?

(TPS) The Doctor begins to assemble a device from things found in Luke's laboratory.
DOCTOR: That's why the Sontarans had to stop the missiles, they were holding back. Because, caesofine gas is volatile, that's why they had to use you to stop the nuclear attack. Ground-to-air engagement could've sparked off the whole thing.

6. I love that he's a flirt.

Not only is he a flirt, he's a clueless flirt. He flirts up a storm and then backs off, trying to pretend that he wasn't just pouring on the charm a few minutes before. He's such a guy that he can't for the life of him understand that someone might just look at his sexy self, respond to his come hither looks and body language, and actually take him seriously. Or that charming and flirting with one woman while another is right near by might not be that good of an idea.

(SR) The Doctor, Sarah Jane, Rose and Mickey are in a chip shop. The Doctor and Sarah Jane are sitting at a table by the window, chatting and laughing whilst the Doctor tries to fix K9, who has been placed on the table-top. Mickey and Rose are by the counter.

(SaJ) DOCTOR: I'm a Time Lord.
MARTHA: Right! Not pompous at all, then.
DOCTOR: I just thought since you saved my life and I've got a brand new sonic screwdriver which needs road testing, you might fancy a trip.
MARTHA: What, into space?
MARTHA: I can't. I've got exams. I've got things to do. I have to go into town first thing and pay the rent, I've got my family going mad...
DOCTOR: If it helps, I can travel in time, as well.

(PiC) DOCTOR: Thanks, then. Oh, what's that?
CLARE: My telephone number.
DOCTOR: (confused) What for?
CLARE: Health and Safety. You be health, I'll be safety.
DOCTOR: (making up an excuse) Aah. Aah. But. That contravenes ah, paragraph five, subsection C. Sorry.

(TUatW) AGATHA: You crafty man. (the DOCTOR smirks) This is all that was left.

picspam: doctor who, picspam, doctor who: ten love, tv: doctor who

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