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daybreak777 September 16 2008, 15:35:03 UTC
I know! It's gotten very complicated. It seemed so simple in season 1. Actually, I'd be happy if they pulled the 'not the real Earth' thing. I'm bitter that they made it to Earth and it's a wasteland. I feel cheated!
Well, to me it's kind of predictable. I just predicted it! And what's the point of wasteland!Earth if it's not real Earth? They've just dragged it out so long. Get there or not get there, people, but I'm ready to learn from it and answer other questions now.

If we can't have a hopeful ending I don't know how I feel about the show.
Um, uh-oh. I don't know a thing but I know BSG. I'm ready for anything. Though I guess it depends on what you mean by 'hopeful'. :-)

No pilots? It must be in LDYB2 then! I forget which one he finds out about Baltar in and they punch each other. HUGE pilots moments in these two eps. They realize that what they feel for each other isn't casual. I don't think Kara knew until she called Lee's name, and I don't think Lee knew until he realized Kara slept with Baltar instead of him. The look on his face at the card table as the knowledge dawns is classic K/L. So much else to come for those two but realization for them (and for us) starts there. :-)


chloris September 16 2008, 15:52:35 UTC
Hopeful means everyone doesn't die. Or that we don't end with the characters sitting around looking depressed because there is nothing else for them. I can even deal with wasteland Earth if it means that the cylon and humans create a true lasting peace. And even if it ends on a down note, I'm very good at ignoring those sorts of things and focus on everything before it. So, don't worry, I'll still love the show! I realize I sounded more down than I felt.

Yes, of course, there were pilots, but the moment felt quick compared to the rest of the episode! *g* Kara's off finding the arrow now so no pilot moments for a good long time. *is sad* I had forgotten how shippy season 1 is for the two of them. I saw season 2 before I saw season 1 when I first watched and I didn't really get the shipping until I saw these episodes.


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