(no subject)

Aug 13, 2007 23:53

Translated to Japanese:
私は存在によってここに立証されるようにblog を、作成した。このblog では、私は見るためにすべてのための私の生命のイベントを、文書化する; 得意気に意見をflaunting 世界中のbloggers のランクに入ること。私は私が書く何を大きいで公用に使用できるので、神経質である。私は私が書く何を私が見ることができない人々によって読まれ知らないので、興奮する。反作用は何であるか。私は何を書くか。


Translated back to English:
I in order to be proven here by existence, created blog. With this
blog, as for me the event of my life because of everything, is
documented in order to see; Opinion enter into the level number of
bloggers in the flaunting world inflated. Because I being large, can
use what which I write for public use, it is nervousness. As for me to
be read by the people who I cannot look at what which I write because
you do not know, it is excited. Is reaction what? Do I write what? I

Translated to Chinese:
I 为了由存在证明这里, 被创建的blog 。以这blog, 至于为我我的寿命活动由于一切, 被提供为了看; 观点加入bloggers 的层编号在标榜的世界被膨胀。由于I 是大的, 可能使用什么我写至于公共使用, 这是不稳定性。至于我由我无法看的人民读什么我写因为您不知道, 它是激动。回应是什么? 我写什么? 我写。

Translated back to English:
I for by certificate of existence here, blog which creates. Take this
blog, as for as my mine life activity as a result of all, is provided
in order to look; The viewpoint joins bloggers the level serial number
the world which flaunted to inflate. Because I is big, possibly uses
any me to write as for the public use, this is an instability. Is
unable the people as for me by me which looked to read any me to write
because you did not know, it is excited. What is the response? What do
I write? I write.

Translated to French:
I pour par le certificat de l'existence ici, blog qui crée. Prenez ce
blog, quant à en tant que ma activité de la vie de mine en raison de
tous, est fourni afin de regarder ; Le point de vue joint des bloggers
le numéro de série de niveau le monde qui a affiché pour gonfler.
Puisqu'I est grand, en emploie probablement je pour écrire quant à
l'usage public, c'est une instabilité. Ne peuvent pas les personnes
quant à moi par moi ce que regardé pour lire je pour écrire parce
que vous n'avez pas su, il en est excité. Quelle est la réponse ?
Queest-ce que j'écris ? J'écris.

Translated back to English:
I for by the certificate of the existence here, blog which creates.
Take this blog, as for as a my activity of the life of mine because of
all, is provided in order to look at; The joint point of view of of
the bloggers the job number of level the world which displayed to
inflate. Since I is large, probably employs some I to write as for the
public use, it is an instability. The people as for me by me only
looked for reading cannot I to write because you did not know, it is
excited. Which is the answer? Queest this which I write? I write.

Translated to German:
I für durch die Bescheinigung des Bestehens hier, blog, das erstellt.
Nehmen Sie dieses blog, was als meine Aktivität anbetrifft der
Lebensdauer von meinen wegen aller, zur Verfügung gestellt wird, um
zu betrachten; Der gemeinsame Gesichtspunkt der bloggers die Jobnummer
der Stufe die Welt, die anzeigte, um aufzublasen. Da I groß ist,
setzt vermutlich einiges I ein, um zu schreiben, was den allgemeinen
Gebrauch anbetrifft, es ist eine Instabilität. Die Leute was mich
anbetrifft durch mich suchten nur nach Messwert können nicht I,
schreiben, weil Sie nicht wußten, es werden aufgeregt. Welches ist
die Antwort? Queest dieses, das ich schreibe? Ich schreibe.

Translated back to English:
I for by the certificate of the existence here, blog, that creates.
Take this blog, which concerns as my activity the life span of my
because of all, is made available, in order to regard; The common
criterion bloggers the job number of the level the world, which
displayed, in order to blow up. Since I is large, some I probably
begins, in order to write, what concerns the general use, it is an
instability. The people which me I does not concern, writes, because
you did not know, it to become excited by me looked only for measured
value can. Which is the response? Queest of this, which I write? I

Translated to Italian:
I per dal certificato dell'esistenza qui, blog, che crea. Prenda
questo blog, che interessa come mia attività la durata del mio a
causa di tutti, è reso disponibile, per considerare; I bloggers
comuni di test di verifica il numero di lavoro del livello il mondo,
che ha visualizzato, per scoppiare. Poiché la I è grande, alcuna I
probabilmente comincia, per scrivere, che preoccupazioni l'uso
generale, esso è un'instabilità. La gente che me I non interesso,
scrive, perché non avete saputo, esso per essere eccitata da me ha
osservato soltanto per valore misurato può. Quale è la risposta?
Queest di questo, che scrivo? Scrivo.

Translated back to English:
For from the certificate of the existence here, blog, that it creates.
It takes this blog, that it interests like my activity the duration of
mine because of all, is made available, in order to consider; Bloggers
common of verification test the number of job of the level the world,
that it has visualized, in order to burst. Since he is large, some
probably begins, in order to write, than worries the general use, it
is an instability. The people that me I do not interest, write,
because you have not known, it for being excited from me have only
observed for measured value can. Which it is the answer? Queest of
this, that I write? I write.

Translated to Portuguese:
Para do certificado da existência aqui, blog, que cría. Faz exame
deste blog, aquele que interessa como minha atividade a duração de
meus por causa de tudo, é feita disponível, a fim considerar; Terra
comum de Bloggers do teste da verificação o número do trabalho do
nível o mundo, aquele que visualizou, a fim estourar. Desde que é
grande, algum começa provavelmente, a fim escrever, do que preocupa o
uso geral, ele é uma instabilidade. Os povos que eu mim não
interessa, escrevem, porque você não soube, ele sendo excitado de
mim observaram somente para o valor medido podem. Qual é a resposta?
Queest disto, aquele que eu escrevo? Eu escrevo.

Translated back to English:
It stops of the certificate of the existence, blog, that here cría.
Blog makes examination of this, that one that interests as my activity
the duration of mine because of everything, is made available, the end
to consider; Common land of Bloggers of the test of the verification
the number of the work of the level the world, that one that it
visualized, the end to blow up. Since that it is great, some probably
starts, the end to write, of that it worries the general use, it is an
instability. The peoples who I me do not interest, write, because you
he did not know, it being excited of me had only observed for the
measured value can. Which is the reply? Queest of this, that one that
I write? I write.

Translated to Spanish:
Para del certificado de la existencia, el blog, que aquí cría. Blog
hace la examinación de esto, aquélla que interesa como mi actividad
la duración el míos debido a todo, se hace disponible, el extremo
para considerar; Pista común de Bloggers de la prueba de la
verificación el número del trabajo del nivel el mundo, aquél que
visualizó, el extremo a soplar encima de. Desde entonces que es
grande, algo comienza probablemente, el extremo a escribir, de eso que
se preocupa el uso general, él es una inestabilidad. La gente a que
yo no intereso, escribe, porque usted que él no conocía, él que es
excitado de mí había observado solamente para el valor medido puede.
¿Cuál es la contestación? ¿Queest de esto, aquél que escribo?

Translated back to English:
It stops of the certificate of the existence, blog, that raises here.
Blog makes the examinación of this, that one that interests like my
activity the duration mine due to everything, becomes available, the
end to consider; Common track of Bloggers of the test of the
verification the number of the work of the level the world, that one
that visualized, the end to blow upon. Since then that is great,
something probably begins, the end to write, about which the general
use worries, he is an instability. People to that I do not interest,
write, because you who he did not know, he who is excited of me had
only observed for the measured value can. Which is the answer? Queest
of this, that one that I write? I write.

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