Jul 30, 2008 06:01
*headwalls* Have you ever had the feeling you get when you realize you spent hours writing something only to produce a convoluted sticky mess no one seems to understand??
I just had it. T___T
For some reason, my writing comes out like a thick slimy molasses that no one feels like reading rather than the clear simple sentences I want.
Like for example ^*points above*^. I should write like:
"Hi. I just wasted time hours writing, but in the end it doesn't make sense. S.O.S.?"
Context: I'm applying to boarding school and I need to write an admission essay. I just finished it. Mom didn't understand it. XD;
GAH. Now I have to rewrite it.
Ps. My chosen Topic out of three choices = If you could revisit and change a moment of your life, what would it be and why?
Time to try again..
PSS. I will be posting more often from now on. XD
and I will also maybe public/friendonly my private entries. XDD *shy*