(Almost) 100 Things I Hate

Sep 01, 2006 12:17

1. Abuse of vulnerable people
2. Adults who trick or treat
3. Anti-stem cell research proponents
4. Bad breath
5. Bad hygiene
6. Bad manners
7. Bill collectors
8. Bill O’Reilly
9. Bookstore eaters/drinkers
10. Butt crack displays
11. Cathy - the comic strip
12. Clogged drains
13. Close talkers
14. Contrived Juvenalia
15. Couple haze
16. Crappy book covers on perfectly good books
17. Cutesy binding techniques that don’t hold up
18. Design that sacrifices legibility and usability
19. Distressed jeans
20. Drug addicts
21. Earwax
22. Ex-Con relatives
23. Exercise fanatics
24. Fake old stuff
25. Fanny packs
26. Finding out an actor/author/artist you love is an idiot
27. Flip flops
28. George Bush
29. Geraldo Rivera
30. Gerber daisies
31. Girls Gone Wild
32. Hippies
33. Horatio Alger
34. Hummers
35. Jocks
36. Limos, especially Hummer Limos
37. Long nails on men
38. Medicine for profit
39. MTV
40. Nasty feet
41. New Age BS
42. Nuclear power
43. Other people’s cell phone conversations
44. Paper cuts
45. Peeling the seal of a CD
46. People who talk about karma*
47. People who can quote movies or tv characters and do so often*
48. People who don’t like to celebrate their birthdays*
49. People who say “everything happens for a reason”*
50. Picky eaters
51. Plastic laminate (a necessary evil)
52. Poor flocking instincts
53. Puritans
54. Regular greeting of “Hey Beautiful” by creepy guy who works upstairs and just started saying it after 10 years of working in the same building
55. Religious fanatics
56. Republicans
57. Rough Skin
58. Sadistic meter maids
59. Schmoozing
60. Self-publishers who can’t accept that no one was interested in their work and prefer to blame us
61. Slow connections
62. Smoking
63. Snobs
64. Socks with sandals
65. Spam
66. Stinginess
67. Store bought Halloween costumes
68. Suburban mentality
69. Superfluous packaging
70. Synthetic scents
71. Telemarketers
72. The delivery guy who still hasn’t forgiven me for politely asking him to stop calling me “kiddo” ten years ago
73. Thongs
74. Tooth Aches
75. Tribal Tattoos
76. Uni (Sea Urchin)
77. Uselessness
78. Vice Magazine
79. Vomiting

To be added: mom jeans, gum snapping, beauty pageants, eating contests

*I should say that I don't hate these people, I just hate it when they say/do these things.
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