Dec 22, 2004 15:30
This morning I woke up at 4am on the couch with the TV on. I ate a couple of cookies* and stumbled up to bed, where my eyes set upon my new boxset of His Dark Materials. I started reading the Golden Compass until it began to get light out and then went back to sleep. I feel slightly altered today, between the fantasy and the exhaustion, things don't seem to be quite what they appear.
I love the week before xmas work-wise. It's just too late to do anything but sell crap. The creditors aren't calling and the register is ringing. It's always tempting right about now to indulge in some huge extravagant luxury, even though that money is not technically mine, and in fact has been spoken for about five times over. The recurring wish it to disappear and go somewhere warm where the living is easy for a year or so.
To be honest, I don't know how happy I'd be without a job to do and a regular routine. Relaxing causes me anxiety more often than not. If you had $10,000 and no obligations, what would you do right now? I would probably start another project!
I guess I'm off to buy a few things to stick under the tree. My main gift to A is a calendar that I had a friend of mine calligraph a bunch of special occasions in -- family outings for every month, birthdays, traditions, etc. We've always had an unconventional relationship and now that we have split up we're trying to achieve some kind of normalcy.
ho ho ho.