Title: The Hollow Men - Sympathy For The Devil
Fandom: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Rating: MA
Spoilers: In Supernatural up to the end of Season 4 with bits and pieces of the beginning of Season 5. In Smallville up to the end of Season 8 with bits and pieces of Season 9.
Summary: When Castiel goes in search of God, he finds Chloe instead. What does she have to do with Lucifer and the end of the world? Can she handle the destiny that is thrust upon her? More importantly can she handle Dean Winchester?
Warning: Major Character Deaths.
Disclaimer: Don't own. Really want.
Author's Note: Here's a link to the preview video I made if anyone needs to catch up on either of the shows:
Hollow Men Preview. Once again a huge thanks to
iluvaqt ,
lynzie914 for the betaing and
tehzo for the awesome art!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Because this chapter what a bit shorter and I just wanted to give you guys a little holiday treat and don't worry there will still be a regular post on Monday! Enjoy.
Chapter One: The End --
Chapter Two: All Along the Watchtower --
Chapter Three: Behind Blue Eyes --
Chapter Four: I Don't Live Today Chapter Five: Sympathy For The Devil