Title: The Hollow Men
Fandom: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Rating: MA
Spoilers: In Supernatural up to the end of Season 4 with bits and pieces of the beginning of Season 5. In Smallville up to the end of Season 8 with bits and pieces of Season 9.
Summary: When Castiel goes in search of God, he finds Chloe instead. What does she have to do with Lucifer and the end of the world? Can she handle the destiny that is thrust upon her? More importantly can she handle Dean Winchester?
Warning: Major Character Deaths.
Disclaimer: Don't own. Really want.
Authors Note: This story is completely finished. There are 21 Chapters in total and I will be updating on a (hopefully) regular schedule of once a week (every Monday).
Chapter 1: The End