Title: One Night
Fandom:Smallville/Leverage Crossover
Summary:They loved each other, but not enough to walk away from what they considered important. So they had this
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
Title: Middle of Nowhere
Fandom:Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Summary:They loved each other, but not enough to walk away from what they considered important. So they had this
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
Title: An Unexpected Partner
Fandom:Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Characters: Chloe, Castiel (Nonromantic)
Summary:Just when Chloe had given up on believing, Castiel appeared.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
Title: Dust
Author: Lynzie914
Fandom: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Summary: She stayed there long after the dust had settled.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
Warning lots of angst