2 Chloe/Castiel fics

Apr 22, 2009 11:03


Fandom: Smallville, Supernatural
Author: vodooman / boredlittlestudent
Rating: PG
Genre: crossover
Characters/Pairings: Chloe, Castiel, Dean, Sam, Chloe/Castiel implied, Chloe/Dean one sided implied
Short summary: He watched over her. He always did. It was his responsibility.
Any warnings: character death…
Disclaimer: Smallville, SPN, and its characters are all not mine…
A/N: This is a short drabble/short fic made because I kind of got on to the whole Chloe/Castiel track… and I don’t really want the pairing to die down… Also, I would love to dedicate it to the lovely elviriel. I hope it isn’t too upsetting… But this is kind of inspired by all your Chloe/Cas vids and some others… 
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~ * ~
Don’t fear

Fandom: Smallville, Supernatural
Author: vodooman / boredlittlestudent
Rating: mild PG-13
Genre: crossover, angst, AU
Characters/Pairings: Chloe, Castiel, Dean, Sam
Short summary: She stumbles in their direction. She sees Dean and Sam, but it isn’t them that she is looking for.
Any warnings: Character Death
Disclaimer: Smallville + characters = not mine; SPN + characters = not mine!
A/N: This idea was going through my mind for some time now… I wanted to write another chlas drabble… or fic…
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