For those of you who weren't around when the Justice Society incident happened a couple weeks ago, I'd like to explain a couple of things that occurred that made us re-evaluate how we work and what kind of relationship we have with one another. It was pointed out that we're lacking in a lot of ways.
We haven't been together that long as a team, but we do come through when things are bad. But I think that, as was pointed out by more than one JSA member, we'd be more effective if we spent more time together.
We want Watchtower to be like a second home for everyone. So we were thinking that we'd start cleaning out the other floors of the building and convert them into apartments for you guys when you're in town. Or'd like to stay in Metropolis for an extended period.
You didn't miss much, we've just been discussing ways to make the team feel more like a family and Oliver suggested we turn the vacant floors of the Watchtower into apartments, so everyone has a place to stay when they are in town, or for however long they want to.
.. Ollie bought the building? Wow. That's cool. Makes me feel a little better about potential neighbors on the lower floors, actually, especially since Jimmy could only afford the very top floor when we originally spoke about it.
I can probably pitch in for clean-up efforts, but any and all use of plaid cannot be bitched at afterwards.
Clean-up help will be appreciated, we have a lot of work to do. And you can wear all the plaid you want as long as you don't cover anything on or paint it on the walls, I might need a promise on that.
Comments 65
We haven't been together that long as a team, but we do come through when things are bad. But I think that, as was pointed out by more than one JSA member, we'd be more effective if we spent more time together.
We want Watchtower to be like a second home for everyone. So we were thinking that we'd start cleaning out the other floors of the building and convert them into apartments for you guys when you're in town. Or'd like to stay in Metropolis for an extended period.
You didn't miss much, we've just been discussing ways to make the team feel more like a family and Oliver suggested we turn the vacant floors of the Watchtower into apartments, so everyone has a place to stay when they are in town, or for however long they want to.
I can probably pitch in for clean-up efforts, but any and all use of plaid cannot be bitched at afterwards.
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