A couple months ago one of our guild members found this Madrigal concert/dinner being put on by the Point Loma Nazarene College (in San Diego). She thought it might be a good event to show up in costume. So we got 7 of us interested in going last night, and we really enjoyed it.
It was held in a hall decorated by the students, and the students sang, played period musical instruments, and acted in short skits, all very funny. The jester and the comedic juggler were hilarious, as well as Don Quiote and Sancho. It had the feel of watching Shakespeare in Love.
Our guild members aren't always "period correct" but we were there for fun and we wowed all the people in the audience, and the students.
That's me second from the left. I had more time to embellish my gown, and make a hat and veil for it. I was much happier with it this time.
Since we like to find events we can go to, we think this will be one to recommend for next year, and I'm sure more members will like to go. The food was great too.