"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and the world." Matthew 6:24
like if a servant had two masters that hated eachother, and the masters wanted to kill eachother ...it would be impossible for the servant to love both of the masters because he would have to want to kill each at the same time and its sort of impossible to want to kill someone if you love them and serve them...its kind of hard to explain but its true.plus people in the military dont always serve god with a whole heart.
But some are forced to derve 2 masters, look at Whors and pimps, the Whore still LOVES god, And the Pimp hates god, do were does the whor go, Back out on the pimp, gets shot, backs out on god, goes to hell. were does she go??? who does she go to????
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