A is for Apostasy

Mar 29, 2008 13:30

Christians think of this planet as disposable.
Temporary because another -- a better place is their destiny. (cult cult cult! duh!) and why not?
This earth is destined to burn up in a fiery ball anyway? Nuclear destruction? Well, sure okay... They'd guess that's what God meant, right? Nuclear destruction, melting ice caps...guess thats God's will. Everything is God's will, isn't it? or his test of your will. Wheres personal responsibility?
I can't understand how one of the biggest flim flams of the world still exists and thrives. Disbelieve your very eyes and believe like a child. Believe what you're told and vote the way that glossy mailer tells you.

Believe not your eyes and empirical evidence, but instead believe preachers with fuzzy math who pull out an impossibly young earth age like a magician out of a hat. But of course its possible. All things are possible with Jeeezus, right? (I was informed of this by a patron that wanted to check out a book she couldn't. She bitched upstairs and got her book. It was a miracle!)

It is an amazing thing that God (I would assume) wants us to use our brains so like his own to observe his creation and to understand it. But then we are to ignore what we discover?
Or he doesn't want us to understand and trip us up? Or... just close your eyes and hum loudly and the questions in your head will go away.

Christians are taught to distrust the earth's own message written plainly along its geological strata, its fossil record, and the layers and layers of evidence left by early man, not to mention our earlier ancestors.
They scream their existence. Some of us hear them. Others have their fingers too firmly wedged into their ears.
They say there's a fool born every day... I believe it.
My fundamental thesis and beef is this:
Christians are of the mind set that the earth is theirs by Divine Right. Princely rule over the world and its lesser creatures.
God gave them authority over ALL other life on the planet.
Convenient that
Christians believe that because the earth is their by divine right, that the earth's resources are theirs for the taking (raping). For, after all, this is only a temporary place, right? The real heaven is in the After Life. They do not see this earth as being something to care for for the long term.
 Doesn't anyone SEE that?
They don't buy into this planet, its not their REAL home. They truly look to another place. Masses of people are controlled from the pulpit every Sunday. They're controlled by fear and they themselves within the religious community are divided. Some don't allow women to be ministers some do not allow gays, some believe none but themselves are true believers, but all seem to discount our earth as disposable and temporary.
Don't take care of your earth for the long term, nahhhhh trash it now! Its all going up in a ball of flame anyway.
And if someone should make a mistake...hey...Preemptive Armageddon. Who would know?

Either way I don't like the ending.

And other thing. A bit of bad news, I'm afraid.
If God made man  (when man appeared, for you intelligent types)  in his image...
then God, in His Glory, stood a full five foot inches 0 inches on a good day,  and wasn't at all attractive.

Here's a pretty picture of our earth...learn to love her.


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