Feb 21, 2005 22:20
I was led here by a terrific lady named May_Lyn. (Chloe bows to the Great May) And yes, she is as awesome and genuine in real life as she is here! I think she is Heaven-sent in fact!
Well, I spent the weekend with my head in the commode. (nice) No, I am not a drinker, haven't had a beverage since 2 nights before my wedding nearly 3 years ago. I have gastroenteritis something or other. Or as I called it: "creeping death". Cotton mouth and the worst stomach pains on earth. Would have loved to go to the hospital, but like many Americans NO HEALTH INSURANCE. Sickening.
Let me step back to the night before I heaved my entrails out for literally 9 hours.
It was Sat and I went over to Ms. May_Lyn's to pick up some used magazines. (she listed them on Freecycle)
I had gone 32.8 miles on my odometer by the time I found it. ( uh..it should have been 12 miles) ( i think when you become a momma..that baby takes part of your senses with you when he comes out..i used to be a Whiz, now i can hardly remember where to take a whizz) But i digress...SO.... 50 minutes later i found the house and what a sweet, loving, kindred spirit i met: May_Lyn!
She invited me in and we chewed the fat til the cows came home. She has a WONDERFUL family..and i'm not kissing a$$ people..they are genuine and down to earth. I am truly thankful to have met them.
So here was my day today. (sorry i jump around a lot.)
My husband went to work and did some payroll garbage and then CAME HOME TO TAKE CARE OF ME! Angel man!
He said "lets get some sunshine for you" so we went over to a lil' park and my baby Noah Samuel (25 months old today) ran around and played and got dirty and sweaty...oh it was so fun to watch him with such a glow on his "widdle Sugar bee face" (yes, that was in a goofy baby cartoon voice)
Ya know...when ya have fibromyalgia (oh..i have that) you ache so bad ya can't hardly get a leg up to get in the tub....but I can run through Noah..I can dance through Noah....I can fall and get up and giggle through my Noah (aw heck..i'm CRYING???!!!!)ugh! I took pictures..who wants to see hims?
My point is....he is my very LIFE....he and my loving husband are my precious gifts that Jesus held in a box and presented to me on my 30th birthday. Its like all the crap I saw, felt, heard was just worth it. Like I got mine later in life is all, like I knew Bert was a smooth, sweet stretch of golden highway only because I had experienced so many speed bumps. He has gotten me over so many idiosyncrasies armed with his patience, his loving touch and all his prayer and faith in the Lord. (also..he does'nt put up with drama, (ya kinda peter out and come to your senses when you have no audience) He never harasses me or throws fits and walks out and goes out chug a luggin', no porn here, we never go anywhere without each other, I always say he is a better Momma than I am to our son, he is that soft voice of reason that always reminds me to look up where God is.
I'll talk about how we met and such later (good reading) but one thing that I love to tell is about the first time we went out..I drove to his house because my car was better (did I say that?) and we sat down in the living room and he prayed with me that we'd have a good date and a safe time and a good time and that we would be respectful to Him and each other. WOW! And yes, he was really that way..always has been...when I flip out..he reminds me that God is faithful and to give it time. He is always right.
I went on and on and on and on did'nt i?
Until we meet again and blessings to all!
<>< Mellie
P.S. Be forewarned...I have a quirky (per husband) way about me, so I have been told..if my humor gets a little "off color" shall we say..i'm not perfect..but Ooooh I can't resist a good laugh!