Apr 15, 2005 11:34
Does anyone know how to play Mah-jongg? I really want to learn. I love the pretty tiles.
OK so not much going on here...wrote a 12 page letter last night. I enjoyed that.
Then i saw that our bank acct was overdrawn and i had myself a polite little anxiety attack and finally went to sleep at 4am.
Noah had another evaluation yesterday. It was 2 hours long. They need to see if our insurance will pay for a hearing test. They say he is a very imaginative and curious and intelligent child..he just needs to learn the art of expression. He did all types of nifty things that made them go "ahhhhh!" and go to scratching out notes on their little forms. It was amusing the way he impressed them. He did things i didn't even know he could do...like she sat and made circles on a piece of paper and he came and sat with her and did the same thing! And then the other 2 ladies went "AH!" and madly scratched notes out on their forms.
So, now a hearing test just to be sure.
They sure do cover allllll bases when it comes to development with him.
We also qualify for a program where they give you 10 hours per month of pay for a sitter of your choosing so that you and your mate can have time together! HOT DAMN! They won't have funds until September, but i thought it was a lovely gesture!
Also...found out some things that made me kinda blue.
They asked me when i plan on putting him in school. I said when he is 5 for kindergarten. I think he should be a kid as long as possible..he'll be in school for such a long time..it'd be good for him just to play and be a little boy. Then they explained to me that children in kinder are expected to read now a days. HUH? WOW! When i was in kindergarten I could read and do all my phonics and so I was recommended to 2nd grade. I didn't know that til a few years ago though because my parents kept me in kinder anyway. (scratched head...I always thought i was a bad kid because the teacher had to give me extra work...and NOW i know it was because I was flying through all the other stuff..it stinks when you think you we're trouble for everyone when really you we're just ahead of others a lil' bit, but i digress)
Well, so here I am thinking i was hot stuff, eh? But today...its the standard!
So, now i wonder...what do i do? I mean i thought if a parent put their child in daycare/pre-K they we're just trying to get them out of the way. I figured I am a stay at home momma and i want him here with me because I can teach him phonics the way my Momma did. (for those with childrens starfall.com is where i go..check it out..isn't it marvelous??!)
But now i think....what if he isn't being challenged here enough? I won't make the mistake of keeping him back the way i was...i want him to fly as high as he can in life...not be made to feel that he is a pain to ppl becaus he isn't the standard child.
Can you say "obsessive Mother"?
I just want to do right by him.
He was given to me to raise...he belongs to the Lord...it is my job to do a great job with His child...can anyone relate?