Nov 05, 2008 11:36
my friend and i did the hugging happy jumping up and down dance at work this morning. Obama won, and proposal 1 (legalized medicinal marijuana) and proposal 2 (stem cell research, hell yeah!) both passed in Michigan. i left work early to vote, and only had to wait in line for about 15 minutes. my coworkers who voted before coming in had to wait for an hour or longer. i can now stop referring to Al Gore as my president.
i saw Coldplay on Monday. i know that i get no cool points, but hot damn i love those boys. especially Will. i just want to bite him. during part of the show, they ran to the back of the arena to a satellite stage, and did some songs back there. Will sang one that I didn't recognize. for a rather burly looking guy, he has a very soft voice. luckily, my husband thinks my lewd thoughts and comments about rock stars are hilarious, and encourages it.
so yeah, this week has featured me jumping around and squeeing for 3 days in a row now.