Time to final challenge has come! Our contestants are
imaginary_lives russian_hotness Now, I will explain how final challenge goes:
It's focused on 3 parts:
PART ONE: Character
You have to make an icon out of a Charmed related picture that shows a character features.
Characters allowed: Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Prue, Leo, Chris, Wyatt, Darryl, Cole, Billie, Henry, Coop, Grams, Patty, Victor.
You have to make an icon out of a Charmed related picture that is focused on one pair.
Pairs allowed: Piper/Phoebe, Phoebe/Paige, Paige/Piper, Piper/Prue, Prue/Phoebe, Phoebe/Cole, Phoebe/Coop, Piper/Leo, Paige/Henry
PART THREE: Artist's choice
You have to make an icon, a blend or a wallpaper out of a Charmed related picture focused on everything you want/like
Entries: 01/02*
*Submit everything together (2 icons + free fan art)