Superman is dead.

May 15, 2009 10:33

Spoilers for smallville Doomsday 8*21
Smallville is Dead.

Ever since I was a little girl I always loved Superman. My father had gotten me in to liking it through Lois and Clark the New Adventures of Superman and he had his collection of comic books. I loved how Superman stood for hope and how he tried so hard to save everyone. And I loved that he saw the goodness in humanity. Those were the things that made Superman who he was. And then I watched last nights episode and everything that I held dear about Superman in Smallville was vanished and killed in a thousand pieces. Superman does not give up on humanity.

And that's what he did in this epsidoe. The writers totaly screwed up with all of the characters. I have had a love-hate relationship with Smallville for years now. Part of the annoyance is that they start with really great story lines and give you great clues and forshadowing and never follow through. And they have a way for making me a comic book fan hate Mythos. The original things they put on the show they screw up for the sakes of Mythos and then the Mythos stuff they put on the show they screw up for sake of "originality".

So the superman that I always loved ever since I was a little girl is dead. In the end of Doomsday, Clark said that Clark Kent is Dead and he is giving up on humanity. But superman never gave up on humanity. So I'll have to say Superman is dead or he never got a chance to live. All of these things about Clark always believing in people and seeing the best in them was what Superman did it was what made Clark Superman. It wasn't his powers or a silly suit it was his basic beleif in the good of people.

And the thing is SV ruined this me last night. And really went against all of my basic bleifs in humanity and redemption. Yes, we are a flawed race and we make mistakes but one of the great things about us are we're able to pick our sleves up and start over. That is what should have happened with Chlavis. That is what should of happened with Davis. He had tried so hard to just start over. He had lifted himself up from being a street kid with no one looking out for him or caring for him to becoming a paramedic who saved peoples lives. And he tried to keep the Beast at bay but was forced to do horrible thing because of the Beast inside of him. And the only thing that could save him was love. But then in one scene in one episode that was thrown out of the window in a horrible way. Davis didn't get redemption even though he tried so hard for it but instead in one moment of jealousy he becomes a murderer and psycho? Really? And after all of this Chloe wasn't doing it because she cared for him but she was doing it for Clark. It was just so ick.

Thay totally ruined my two fave characters and my fave super hero. They were saying that Clark should have just killed Davis. That to be a hero Clark should give up on his human feelings and give up on humanity. THis is the worse possible thing that any show has ever done IMO.

So on that note I'm going to be posting my fics here showing what should have happend. You still can have iconcisty w/out killing tow amazing redemptive character core character in the process. And that's what I kind of want to show in my fics. Davis does have goodness even though he was made from evil DNA. He had chose to be good before and sacraficed so much. Davis did not deserve this kind of send off. And I hope to rectify that in my fics.
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