
Jul 25, 2005 16:11

Please tell me there is someone out there who actually likes the peanuts on top of Drumsticks so that I can feel better about having to suffer through having them fall off all over me every time. :p

So, umm, I brought my fandom to all new levels and purchased the Angel Soundtrack. But that is not my news. My news is that Eve is on the back in the group picture. Harmony is as well, but that I understand as she was in the credits. Ms. Eve was not. That in itself does not annoy me so much that a) neither Lindsey nor Hamilton is on there,,,or even Connor and b) once again Wesley is shoved off to the side in favor of Spike. /wank

*lets the inner six year old loose* *whine* Where is everybody??

Meme Time - dawnielicious tagged me so I bring you:

Six songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words or even if they're any good but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions, the artist and the song in your LiveJournal along with your six songs. Then tag six other people to see what they're listening to.

*whine* Does it have to be six? (I told you. Six year old = me) I honestly haven't been listening to much music lately, except when I'm drivin' to and from work, so there's not a lot in my head.

A Place Called Home - Kim Richey
Angel Soundtrack...of course. I love these lines, they're so Angel, and they make me so sad:
Some day I'll go where
There ain't no rain or snow
Till then I'll travel alone

And I'll make my bed
With the stars above my head
And dream of a place called home.

The Downeaster Alexa - Billy Joel
I used to hate this song when I was little because I didn't get it. For some reason I thought it was about walking around in Manhatten...like on the Downeaster Alexa...like that was a street. But now I get it, and it's so sad. There's this one part that's so good:

So if you see my Downeaster "Alexa"
And if you work with the rod and the reel
Tell my wife I am trolling Atlantis
And I still have my hands on the wheel.

He's searching for something that doesn't exist, going for the thing that's always just out of his grasp, but he doesn't want his wife to worry. He's still safe, still got her on his mind and he won't forget, no matter how far he has to search to make ends meet. I don't know, but that bit guts me every time. My other partner in sadness lately is Brothers In Arms - Dire Straits I don't know if any of you saw the episode of West Wing where they used it in an ending montage, but I still remember seeing it, and the moment was really poignant, so on top of the song, there's that. But this song hasn't been in my head lately...just evokes a similar feeling. Loyalty, taking care of/thinking of the people you care about to the very last. I'm sure you can't guess who those things make me think of.

The Fireman song - by my niece
Yeup. "I'm a fireman, i've got a truck with wheels.." and there's something about ladders and people and I don't know what else, but it's pretty darn cute to see her dancing around singing it with her little fireman's hat on.

Closer to You - The Wallflowers
Yes, they're a little un hip, but I like this song. It's dark and it's got that minor chord thing going for it. If you haven't been able to tell, I dig my music when it cuts me to the quick. Not all the time, but most of my favorite songs are sad.

The Firefly Theme
Honestly, I didn't like it at first. But now, I sing it in my head all the time. I think I just like the pretty pictures that go with it. ;D Graphically I give them kudos for the credits, but the dvd graphics...suck and not in a good way.

Umm...Lost Horizons - The Gin Blossoms
Just because it was the last song that had a line in it I had to write down. It may have inspired some fic as well.

music, meme

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