
May 04, 2013 19:45


Sorry, haven't been on vacation, but I can finally come out of the hole that is my world. The floors are done, most of the furniture is back in the house, but there's still so much cleaning and straightening and 'unpacking' left to do...which my family has conveniently left me to do, but that's alright, they're off and away for a few months so I finally have some time to myself. (Thank goodness. I think I might have imploded soon. It's really not good for me to go for ages at a time without some time on my own.)

Did a lot of planting yesterday and today - and I still have more to do after the trunk-ful of flowers that I bought --- hopefully if I make a map of them all, my mom will not go pulling up the perennials because she doesn't know which ones they are, not having planted them! Easy enough of a mistake to make, but, gah, I was peeved. Anyway. Have put together a significant amount of new furniture, and I must say, it turned out nice, if I do say so myself. The doors on the cabinets are hanging straight and everything.

Work has been a lot of overtime, but I've had two pretty successful projects out of it, happy clients, not too many snafus, so that's pretty darn good. Projects don't normally go so smooth with such tight deadlines.

I am still enjoying Call the Midwife even though I have no real interest in babies or learning more about how painful childbirth is - that's what fastforward is for - but the characters are great and I love the historical setting-- and often get bowled over that it really wasn't that long ago that these things were happening/people lived like that.

Nearly caught up on Glee - I still find Kurt's dad and Santana to be some of my favorite people. I missed the shooting episode somehow, but I think that's okay. Overall, there really haven't been any songs that have called out to me like in other seasons. I really need to stop watching.

Am getting my wisdom teeth out at the end of this month... Not terribly looking forward to it, but I'm looking forward to less pain in my mouth afterwards once things have healed up.

Wanted to do mmom but somehow missed the beginning of the month. Maybe I'll jump in anyway. Need to get back to some writing, any writing. Have actually been doing more reading - I really love the Kate Atkinson books with her detective Jackson Brodie. They're so different. I'm almost through the fourth one. Have been listening to all the Percy Jackson books, and The Uglies series by Scott Westerfield. <--- Very good series, surprisingly (to me). I know audiobooks are not alway so popular, but it really is so comforting being read a story. I listen while I drive as I'm usually by myself, and twenty minutes here and there actually makes the story go by pretty quickly. The stopping and starting doesn't really bother me, but then I've never really had to 'get to a good stopping place' while reading.

Saw Oblivion.... I just can't get past Tom Cruise being such a waste of an individual. It was a good premise and I really loved the female actors, and Morgan Freeman, of course, but the movie wasn't anything spectacular. Might go see Iron Man tomorrow early.

Watched Wimbledon today...I know, cheesy movie, but it's so adorable and I just love Paul Bettany. I then, of course wanted to watch Master and Commander for more Paul Bettany, but alas. The dvd player isn't hooked up yet and my laptop doesn't have a dvd drive any longer.

AND, I still want to write my Suits/Firefly crossover! I do, I haven't forgotten about it! I suppose I should leave this post at that, it's looking long already! If anyone has a desire for me to write something feel free to throw out suggestions!

fangirling, tv: call the midwife, flowers, the state of me, rl/spam

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