May 28, 2012 19:50
Finally saw the Avengers this weekend! Hooray, Joss. How cool was it to see: A Joss Whedon Film up there on the screen?
I also finally saw Star Trek the reboot this weekend... I did not fall for it in such a fannish way as a lot of folks did, but then I'm not the hugest ZQ fan. It was good, entertaining, but I don't think I need to search out fic. I found the Avengers to be much slashier. But then Joss is never shy about that. ;p
Also had myself a little X-men marathon. Watched X-Men: Last Stand, X-men: First Class, and X2. (I had watched X-men last weekend). Good stuff even on the re-watching.
Very pleased with myself for having gotten the dvd player working enough to actually watch the latter two. XMFC might be my favorite. The Erik/Charles is just so angsty.
Anyway. Yup. I'm vaguely debating whether I should try Camp Nano for June... I couldn't do it in August there'd be too many obligations and people around. But then I think of how I totally flamed out in November and have a hard time envisioning this attempt as successful since I haven't been writing much of anything at all. At all. But these are my wee troubles and I will pat them on the head and look at them another day.
movies: x-men,
movies: the avengers,
movies: x-men: first class