Thankfully Turkey

Nov 24, 2011 22:31

So, mostly, I am thankful that the fire in the hills behind my house did not make it near my house. I could see the damn thing from my back porch Wednesday night and it was scary. I actually loaded some of our photos, papers and my art that was irreplaceable into my car in case of evacuation. I might not have done that except there was a huge fire on the other side of town last Friday and it was just crazy out of control because we had winds up to 70mph at one point. Loads of people had to evacuate and it was lucky one one person died. Thankfully though, Wednesday the winds only flared briefly and what had started at one that afternoon was out by the time 10pm rolled around. I would never have known it was there if my brother hadn't called though. I hardly ever look out back since it's usually dark by the time I'm home lately. And I couldn't see it when I went to my brother's house later that evening. I would have been totally oblivious.

Weather and these brush fires have been so weird here. People expect that kind of thing in the summer here, but not this time of year.

So yeah, anyway, thankful. :)

Also, first week and a half of full-time work in....over a year and a half has gone pretty well. I miss my days with the nephew, and I'm not so sure about the new nanny they've found, but it's still early, everybody's still feeling things out.

Today was nice. I think Thanksgiving might be my favorite holiday. I know, ridiculous to have a holiday surrounding food, but it's one of those family times that I always remember as being delicious and comforting. I miss my mom's cooking - she hasn't done all that on her own in years. But hey, there was delicious mincemeat pie and the usual turkey, mashed potatoes, etc. Mmm. My belly is happy. Fat and happy.

.....And I think I might give up on Nano. I'm just not interested in my story and the thought of writing my butt off - and squandering time that I'll have the house to myself - on a mediocre product doesn't seem worth it. I was so close last year so it was upsetting not to get to the finish line, but this year I am all meh about it. And I did it my first year so I know it's possible. Mostly, it would just be a point of pride at this juncture.

***BUT! In the spirit of being fat, happy, and thankful - and wanting to write something even if it's not Nano-winning - I'm offering up the opportunity for people to request something! I'll write it! Anything! (Within reason) You suggest, I'll write. I think most of you know the usual suspects, but I'll add in X-Men First Class, Homeland, Hawaii Five-O, Inspector Lewis, NCIS, NCIS: LA, Harry Potter, Castle, Covert Affairs, Suits, Royal Pains. Sherlock, White Collar, The Mentalist, Pan Am, Warehouse 13, Necessary Roughness (TV),..and whatever else is in my interests.

I'll also add that I'm behind in these shows, so if you think your request might be spoilery, maybe ask what episode I'm up to. ;p Sorry for that.

But yes, free for all request with pairing and prompt (setting, time, whatever) OR

from woldy and entrenous88 : Give me a pairing, and I'll tell you something about the reasons, circumstances, or consequences of their breakup.

Answers will (probably) be 1-2 sentences. It should go without saying that if you never want to imagine your OTP breaking up, then don't give me that pairing to write about.

the big leagues, thanksgiving, the fam, jobbing, nanowrimo-crazy, writing

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