HP Remus/Sirius ficlets from this spring's mp_ldws challenges

Apr 10, 2011 14:48

I was voted out last week, but I made it to the top five folks, so I feel like I made a pretty decent showing. Here's the ficlets I wrote for weeks 1-8. Enjoy! I think most of them are either about or exactly 300 words. Some may not be safe for work. :)

Title: Tugging Out a New Leaf
Summary: Post-Hogwarts, Pre-Azkaban. Sirius has worn collars in public before but this time turns out a little differently.
Contains: One collar, one pushy James and five friends.
(Challenge Terms: Genre/Cliché: Caught Out! (Someone discovers the boys' relationship. It's up to you to decide how they found out!) *Word: oblivious *Word Count: 250 exactly *Remus' POV)

The pub overflows with their friends' laughter, the clink of glasses, but Remus' eyes keep returning to the comfortable smile and booming laugh in Sirius' direction. Sirius' body is surprisingly relaxed and pliant, his tanned forearms bare against the crisp white of his 'casually' rolled up shirtsleeves. This newly calm, more muscular Auror Sirius makes Remus' eyes stray even more.

Not to mention the sturdy leather collar lounging at Sirius' throat.

He wears it effortlessly. It's not as though he hasn't worn one in front of their friends before, but this one isn't mere fashion. It isn't some trinket, it’s not casual. And Remus is grateful for the hand folded into his under the table, reassuring him that it's not casual for Sirius either.

"Oi, what's it say, Pads?" James is so quick, already hooking Seeker's fingers into the inscribed collar to pull Sirius over so he can see, while Peter and Lily scramble to catch drinks before James' curiosity gives them lapfuls of butterbeer. Remus' hackles raise involuntarily at the innocently intimate touch.

There's no mistaking the shiver that slithers through Sirius at James' sudden tug, though, even in the dim pub. Remus instinctively digs his fingers hard into Sirius' thigh to make them both settle. He feigns calm at James' no longer oblivious, currently wide eyes, but Remus' breathing catches anyway.

"Glad to see you finally got him by the balls, Moony," James smirks finally, laughter erupting from everyone as Sirius goes red, privately squeezing Remus' hand tightly.

Title: Directions for Application as Follows...
Summary: Sirius plays a little too long in the sun. Post-Hogwarts.
Contains: Use of eighties fashion, poor judgment in sunscreen placement.
(Challenge Terms: *Genre/Cliché: Discovering a new kink *Word: stripes *Word Count: Up to 300 *Sirius' POV)

The stripes were fresh and red, standing out from his skin like wand sparks. Well, the ones on the front of his thighs were. The ones on the back certainly felt red...

"Moony," Sirius whined, shifting restlessly, his skin feeling tight and achy.

"On your stomach, Padfoot," Remus said with a cheerful, smug look as he padded back to their bed.

"Yeah, yeah, you told me so," Sirius muttered, rolling onto his front and shooting a scathing look at Remus.


Sirius heard the smile then felt slippery, cold fingertips sliding over the back of one thigh.

"Moony!" Sirius tensed at the sudden cold but then relaxed into the bed as he felt the first line of sunburn being soothed.

"Bloody ugly cut-offs. And you call my wardrobe threadbare." Remus slid a fingertip up higher on the thick muscle of Sirius' thigh.

"'S the style, Remus," Sirius huffed into the sheets, shifting his legs apart as Remus' breath breezed over the newly slick skin. "What's that potion, anyway?"

"Aloe? Maybe if you'd paid attention in Herbology..."

Sirius rolled his eyes, but he knew- "Moony..." the moan that fell out of him was throatier this time and he arched down as Remus ran fingers under the curve of his arse several times.

"Burn's wider here, Padfoot," Remus murmured. "Bending over a lot in that Quidditch game, were you?"

Sirius' response was to rub against the bed, prompting Remus' fingers to smooth again and again over his arse and thighs. "Mhm, definitely some bending over," Remus murmured thickly. "Front, Padfoot." Remus was already moving up the bed, eyes glittering darkly above him once Sirius was on his back, cock lying thickly against his stomach.


"Maybe we should keep those godawful shorts after all," Remus rasped, mouth already seeking out Sirius' cock.

Title: Rough Winds
Summary: Sirius lies low at Lupin's, but things aren't as breezy as he might have hoped.
Contains: Some swearing.
(Challenge terms: *Genre/Cliché: Lie Low at Lupin's (your story must be set in the time between GOF and OOTP when Sirius was told by Dumbledore to 'lie low at Lupin's'. What happened once he got there?) *Word: furry *Word Count: 300 words exactly *Sirius' POV

It was awkward, the first few days.

He'd gone to 'Dung, Arabella, even Emmaline Vance to call them to arms; Emmaline had actually thrown her arms around his neck even though her look afterward said she was still unsure he wasn't a murderer. It was the moment he'd arrived on Remus' doorstep that he felt the true weight of the situation, of his orders. Lie low at Lupin's.

So very awkward.

They'd bumped elbows, walked in on each other in the bathroom, Moony had even spilled tea.

Moony never spilled tea. Not that Sirius could remember.

Merlin, it was so unbelievably awkward. Until Moony kissed him and it was as though twelve years were gone and they'd never lost each other.

- - -

"I'm not going. I'm not going back to that pit," Sirius very nearly spat as he raved after they'd read Dumbledore's owl. "Can you believe his nerve, Moony?" Sirius was pacing agitatedly now. "I will not go back there and I'm not bloody well going to be a prisoner ag-"

Remus' hands were suddenly curled tightly into Sirius' shirt - a display of emotion and lack of control that Sirius doubted he'd ever seen. The look in Remus' eyes... it made Sirius' words die on his lips.

"You will go. You'll go and be happy, my furry friend. You will ignore that rebellious, clever voice in your head and you'll go to Grimmauld Place." Remus swallowed hard and would only look at the hollow of Sirius' throat. "If you think I don't know what this will cost you, you're wrong, but-- I can't- I cannot lose you again Sirius." The last sentence came out sounding oddly hollow. "I won't." Remus looked up finally, his knuckles white, the bone pushed to the limits of his skin, Sirius noticed absently. "Please."

Title: Not Just a Werewolf
Summary: AU where werewolves have an even lower status in the Wizarding world. What could have happened before the boys went to Hogwarts.
Contains: Serious background child abuse/neglect/slavery. But then this is the Black family, after all.
(Challenge terms: *Genre/Cliché: AU/AR (alternative universe/alternative reality - magical or non-magical... your choice.) *Word: carrot *Word Count: up to 300 words *Remus' POV)
**Winner this week**

"You'd better take proper care of this pet, Sirius. He's only a werewolf, but I still spent good galleons on him. Happy Bir..." Remus shivered in the large foyer, no longer listening to the sharp-eyed man to whom he'd been released.

His eyes met the other small boy's and Remus wondered just what proper care might mean here.

- - -

Soft grey eyes appeared like beacons at the small window of Remus' cellar room. Remus turned away to change clothes, unsure of what those eyes might mean tonight.

"I won't let you hurt anyone," came an earnest whisper.

Remus had heard Sirius' mum and dad laughing over the idea of having Sirius 'walk' him during the full moon. 'Maybe take out a few Muggles while they're at it,' Orion Black had nearly chortled.

"I poured some sleeping draught on the dinner carrots, Father won't even know his own wand much less where we are," the earnest tone sounded more desperate now. Remus hoped for Sirius' sake that this would be the case.

The Blacks had found the small stash of sweets, books and later Muggle newspapers that Sirius had given him. A werewolf was not his friend, they'd screamed at Sirius, one did not treat an animal to novels and Fizzing Whizbees.

Remus hadn't seen Sirius for several weeks after that. He felt lucky that food and water continued to appear in the 'bowls' in his cell.

- - -


Two letters from Hogwarts. Remus stared at Sirius, feeling as though he might truly burst out of his skin. Walburga and Orion were livid, but Remus hardly heard their raving after five years.

Sirius looked sideways at him and gave Remus the quickest flash of a grin.

A real wizard... He wasn't just a werewolf anymore. Seemed Sirius had actually been right about that.

Title: Role Reversal
Summary: Sirius and Remus get to spend a long lifetime together. But like all good things...
Contains: Angst, character death, older pups
(Challenge Terms: *Genre/Cliché: Jealousy/Envy *Word: parchment *Word Count: exactly 200 *Remus' POV)

Remus is used to seeing witches and wizards ogle Sirius' 'gleaming' black hair - like some kind of Muggle romance novel hero, Merlin - after all, Remus' hair is grey, his skin resembles crumpled parchment and his body, well, it has clearly belonged to a werewolf for a good half-century by now. He hardly compares.

Remus remembers the covetous looks from those believing Sirius was a prize to be won, or his favor to be curried. He's felt pangs of envy at Order members on long missions with Sirius, he's mentally hexed study partners. It's practically de rigueur.

Remus never imagined he'd be wishing Sirius were the one on his deathbed first though.

"Pads, we knew this might-"

"Moony, don't." Sirius' hand is tight on his and Remus can feel that infamous black hair fluttering on his wrist.

He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want Sirius to live through this. Maybe if it were quick, avada kedavra, but it isn't. He's simply a werewolf's host, worn through. It could be days, weeks...

And there's Sirius, eyes shining. Remus wants to say he wishes he could take Sirius' place, that he's sorry, sorry for being so frail and leaving Sirius like this-

Title: Early Morning Explanations
Summary: AU where the boys are raising Harry, who still needs a little reassurance about his family from time to time.
Contains: Implied bondage. Collars, natch.
(Challenge terms: *Genre/Cliché: Collar *Word: gulps, gulped, gulping *Word Count: Up to 200 *Sirius' POV) **Winner this week**

Harry pointed at Sirius' throat as he bounded onto the bed. "What's that, Sirius?"

A sex toy, Sirius thought, gulping and feeling the collar rub against his skin. "Remus!" he called, a little too panicky. Harry was five, surely this was still Remus' area?

"It's, uhh, for when I'm Padfoot. So they don't take me off to animal control." Sirius fibbed believably. Remus appeared in their bedroom doorway, smirking.

"Oh. That's good. I don't want Padfoot getting taken away. You should wear it all the time. Just in case." Harry was nodding seriously.

Sirius groaned inwardly. "Yeah, Harry, you're probably right. I'll do that. Now go steal Moony's pancakes." Moony, who was still trying not to chortle from the door.

It wasn't really his habit to wear a collar, but from Harry's gaze, Sirius could see it was something more, security maybe; the idea that no one else would be taken from him like his parents. Sirius might find himself with a stiffy if he caught Remus looking at it too long in public, but Sirius wouldn't deny Harry that security for all the embarrassingly tented trousers in the world.

"You need those ones on your wrists too?"

Remus guffawed.

Title: A Fine Romance
Summary: Sirius meets some interesting strangers in Quality Quidditch Supplies.
Contains: A bit of overdone flirting?
(Challenge terms: *Genre/Cliché: Meet the Parents *Word: broomstick *Word Count: up to 300 words *Sirius' POV)

"...Yeah, looking for a new broomstick." Sirius was saying until a voice behind him cut in.

"Oh, you don't want that one, mate." A silver-haired man pointed to the model Sirius had up on the counter. "Lurches to the right when it gets too cold." The shopkeeper frowned at the man, but Sirius left the broom on the counter and came over to the Cirrus78.

"What about-" The bell to the shop clanged.

"Honestly, John I said I was only going to be a minute-"

"As if you were only going to be a minute with those romance novels, Maggie-"

"Who's your gorgeous friend?" she said over the man and Sirius found some very long eyelashes being batted his way; he couldn't help smiling at the older woman's panache. Remus struggled in after her.

"Ah. Pads, I see you've met my parents without me. Mum, this handsome friend of dad's is actually Sirius Black. My handsome friend. More than friend..." Remus managed to say in the middle of Quality Quidditch Supplies with only minor clearing of his throat. His eyes also met Sirius' with a smile that said everything. "And Sirius this is John and Margaret Lupin. My forebears."

"Remus," Maggie chided her son while taking her time shaking Sirius' hand.

"Sirius," John said with a nod when it was their turn to shake. "Maggie's the one you have to bear, really." He gave his wife a wink though as she batted at his arm.

Sirius couldn't help but grin. He had a sudden image of an aging Remus going around calling young blokes gorgeous and absolutely getting away with it. Merlin, that would be priceless. If he and Remus were anything like Remus' parents in 30-odd years, Sirius was pretty sure he'd be okay with that.

Title: One Foot in the Door
Summary: Remus greets Sirius after a long day.
Contains: One blowjob, shaken, not stirred.
(Challenge terms: *Genre/Cliché: Everyone Knows What Happens to a Werewolf's Libido Before the Full Moon... *Word: fervent, fervently *Word Count: up to 300 words *Remus' POV)

"Couldn't you have taken the afternoon off, Pads?" Remus gave a canine-like whine against Sirius' throat before slithering lower.

"'Dung had the stupid idea to run after we jinxed him so he couldn't Disapparate - mmm, Merlin, Moony that feels good... So we were running around half the afternoon... It's not our anniversary or something, is it?" Remus already had Sirius' trousers open.

"Definitely not our anniversary, Mr. Padfoot. Otherwise, you would not be getting this fantastic blowjob for forgetting."

"Huh. Not my birthday... Oh, fuck, Moony...Not your birthday..."

Remus smirked at Sirius' heavy panting and looked up at him from his spot on his knees.

"What am I missing, you fucking gorgeous, randy werewolf?" Remus could feel Sirius' fingers tightening their hold in his hair. He laughed and sucked more fervently around Sirius' prick.

"Merlin, Moony, just tell me!"

Remus slid off Sirius with a resounding pop of suction. "Haven't looked at a calendar lately, have you?"

"Calen- Oh, god, is it almost the full moon? That's why you practically jumped me when I came through the Floo?" Sirius questioned, looking down with confused but very pleased eyes.

"Might be..." There was further sucking until Sirius was babbling apologies and getting that guilty look on his face.

Remus chuckled and nuzzled Sirius' groin before settling back on his haunches. "Actually, full moon was last week, Pads. I guess you don't remember my being this horny for you when there's not a moon coming, huh?" Remus continued stroking Sirius as he spoke, hand tightening as Sirius started to lose it.

"Mmm... Might've been awhile? R-refresh my memory?" Sirius groaned, and Remus snorted at his glazed look.

Oh, my work here is done, Remus thought as he gave a wolfish grin and swallowed Sirius until he was spilling into Remus' mouth.

my fic, sirius/remus, hp, comm: mp_ldws

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