Well, it's just not going to happen.

Nov 30, 2010 19:20

I have to go to bed in an hour. The thought of getting up a 4 tomorrow and pulling an eleven hour shift on only four hours of sleep (if I stay up until midnight to try and eke out Nano) has my stomach churning. If I'm this messed up today, I can only imagine what it would be like tomorrow on even less sleep with a longer work day. I'm sorry, Nano, I just can't do it this year. Today was a horrible, horrible confluence of events that has had me in tears and for the sake of my sanity I'm throwing in the towel right now. I might write a little more but-- I couldn't even get a little bit of rest this afternoon to try and recharge and then write because my feet kept cramping up for god knows why. I'm overwhelmed and just- really upset. Really, really frickin' upset that I'm not going to finish. I can't even express it. But it was my choice not to bring my laptop and be unable to work on it for a week so... that's that. Spilled milk and all that.

The next month is going to be nasty if they keep us on this schedule. I'll be getting up at four in the morning, getting home by six (if I'm lucky) and then getting into bed two hours later to start it all over again. Pretty damn depressing. I don't see this going well at all if my mental state today is anything to go by. Not to mention my parents will be back next week so that'll be a whole other ball of wax to deal with, i.e. not waking them up, etc. I am really feeling at my wit's end and pretty alone right now.

this is my very sad face, the state of me, nanowrimo-crazy

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