Nano excerpt?

Nov 08, 2010 14:13

Okay, I'm feeling a little better about Nano now. I got another thousand words just by going back through it and nudging it around a bit so that it worked for my brain a bit better. And made me feel better about my poor characters. *pats them*

Chapter 6 - The Pea Falls Out of the Pod

"I used to do black ops. The hard stuff, the dark stuff, not just government coups and handing out guns and training to the parties we wanted to win. That was kid's shit." Garrett was gruff and serious and the four of them were staring at him with their jaws on the floor. Garrett was utterly matter-of-fact and continued calmly.

"I worked with guys who were pennies shy of being socio and psychopaths. It was a fine line and I really wasn't all that sure they knew how to walk it, much less dance around it like ballerinas in tutus that had holsters and ammo clips." He crossed his arms a little tighter as if that would protect him from any judgments they might've had.

Bri snorted. The image was too much.

Bernie glanced at Edgar disbelievingly.

Tally looked...kind of impressed.

And Edgar looked like he might just stab Garrett physically instead of just with his eyes. Bri was so leaving if there was going to be a big father/son blowout of epic proportions. Which it looked like there might be. And soon.

"You were what?" Edgar hissed, drawing out the word 'what' as if it had twelve syllables instead of just the one. Edgar wasn't one to raise his voice or even show much anger. Except when it came to his dad. Those two sure knew how to have fights. Bri often thought that if Garrett were any younger that Edgar might actually be moved to fisticuffs.

"I don't believe this, I don't fucking believe this," he threw up his hands and disappeared from the room like they were all going to be burned alive. He was quiet about it though, no stomping upstairs or slamming the door to their dwelling above the shop. Edgar sure knew how to hold things in. He knew how to do it really, really well.

Bri suspected Edgar was more upset about this being one more reason he had no childhood than the fact that his father might be a bit of a murdering crazy spy. That was usually what made their arguments blow up into shouting or yelling - the childhood factor, not the murdering spy factor.

Bri actually thought it made a pretty good amount of sense. Garrett was tightly wound, very organized, very detailed and crazily fit for a guy his age. Plus, he never divulged anything unless asked and then he usually skirted just around the edge of your subject until he'd woven an answer that wasn't actually related to your question, only you just didn't notice it right away and Garrett was always good at getting away from the social and verbal timebombs at just the right moment. He was so good at it that you just wanted to wring his neck sometimes. But that really wouldn't be worth Edgar's wrath.

As much as Edgar and his father didn't get along, Edgar was loyal to a fault. Literally. He would do some of the stupidest things if it meant he thought he was protecting Bernie or his dad. Well, herself and Tally too if Bri really thought about it too long. Which Bri didn't really like to do. She had a family. There were plenty of people out there who deserved a kind and loving family like these guys and who completely didn't have one. Her parents were fine, her brother was fine - but it was weird how much she felt like she belonged at the shop. Maybe it was the work, maybe the people, but she really felt like she belonged. And she kind of felt guilty about that. Other people needed this more. She already had plenty.

Fat lot of good it would have ever done for her to say that to Bernie or any one of them. Heh. Bernie was a sap of monumental proportions and she could care less if you had one family or twenty-five-You were damn well going to be a part of hers if you managed to find yourself a spot at the table at the end of the day.

But yeah, Bri would totally believe that Garrett was an ex-spy. For sure.


I have some photos in mind for these folks and I may post them later.

my original fic, nanowrimo-crazy

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