Oh, Alan Cummings. He did an adorable -if a bit laboured in the writing - intro to Sherlock this evening. Which I'm feeling quite yay about seeing my television screen and not on my tiny laptop. :)
Sherlock! :D
Watson: That- was amazing.
Shelock: You think so?
Watson: Of course it was. It was extraordinary. Quite extraordinary.
Sherlock: That's not what people normally say.
Watson: What do people normally say?
Sherlock: Piss off.
Watson: That's fantastic. [Awed.]
Shelock: Do you know you do that out loud?
Watson: Sorry, I'll shut up.
Shelock: No...it's fine. [He really sounds lascivious when he says that. Heh.]
Poor John, everyone and their brother knows about his psych file. *pets him*
Martin Freeman is so fucking pretty in his own way.
I don't remember if I said this before, I but I really adore the music on this show. Really.