Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Jul 17, 2010 21:07

Finally finished it! :) ...Was very sad it was over. :(

I had gotten spoiled really randomly last week about Fred's death so that wasn't so traumatic, I was kind of steeled for that. But Lupin and Tonks?!? Damnit! The last of the Marauders. :( And poor Colin Creevy. Tsk. Very glad that Luna (I so love Luna) and Neville made it - and that Neville got to have his go at Voldemort and be part of the 'boy born in July' part of the prophecy.

The bit that got to me though and had me teary was the bit where Mrs. Weasley goes after Bellatrix. Damn. The momma bear looking out for her cubs. That protective sort of stuff always gets to me.

I'm glad Draco made it - and even moreso that we got to see Lucius and Narcissa as human beings who desperately loved their son. Although, Scorpius for a kid's name? Yikes. Not that Albus is really any better. (And is it me or is it slightly off that Ginny and Harry named their children after Harry's parents - I think it's great they want to honor them, but some how using both their first names makes it seem a bit incestuous. Ron and Hermione with Rose and Hugo - i.e. both using starting letters from each of their names was amusing.)

But anyway, back to Draco and the 'bad' guys - thank frickin' Christ Snape finally got to be vindicated. I had a feeling he had to be with the sympathetic angle that Rowling had with those flashbacks to Harry's dad and the way Snape was tortured, but I am sorely relieved that Snape got his redemption albeit posthumously.

No matter how many times the characters said it, I still had some shred of hope that Sirius and Dumbledore might come back and not be dead. Needless to say, the third book when Harry finally finds out he has family in Sirius is still my favorite. So yeah, I was still hoping there would be some loophole and at least Sirius would be alive. But no - clearly it would have had no dramatic effect, but still. (I had also thought maybe the silver doe was Ginny's patronus. Doe, stag, yadda, yadda)

So riddle me this, flisters, should I be thinking that there was Snape/Dumbledore in spite of Snape's love for Lily? I know there was that whole ruckus about Dumbledore being gay, confirmed by JKR - and I definitely could see it with Grindelwald (or whatever his name is/spelled) but I wasn't sure if maybe I just had my slash goggles on really good with the Snape/Dumbledore.

Anyway, the journey was good. Still sad it's over, but overall, I'm pretty happy with how she ended things. (OH, and Prof. McGonagle! (totally spelling that wrong) She was awesome with the Carrows and storming through the castle once the fighting had started). Yes, good stuff. Perhaps some stuff we didn't need, but still, good stuff.

I now want to write lots of backstory fic for James, Lily, Snape, Lupin, maybe even some futurefic for Draco, wee Teddy Tonks, and George without Fred. Aaaaanyway...

Dairy Queen is on the way! Let's hope my dipped cone doesn't turn to goo on the way here!

things i like, food, bunnies, book: hp: deathly hallows

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