Olympics? Really?

Feb 17, 2010 18:18

So I haven't been watching, but I decided to go investigate the individual sports today after discovering there's one called: skeleton... Now doesn't that sound like something that is specifically designed to get you killed? Why yes, Chlare, it does! Turns out Luge is also designed to get you killed! (All references to the poor Georgian luger aside.) I mean, who in their right mind would want to send their body shooting down an ice ramp at 90 mph?? Someone with a death wish, that's who! (Not that there aren't that many sports that couldn't also be deemed Incredibly Likely to Kill You.)


You know what sport looks super slashy? Doubles luge. Hello, people lying on top of each other (front to back with little wiggling motions to control steering...) at thrilling speeds resulting in a rush of adrenaline that they're still alive at the end?! Apparently I was not the only one who thought this. Heheh. http://trendliest.blogspot.com/2008/04/sports-doubles-luge.html

Is it wrong that I want to write some luge!fic? ;)

bunnies, olympics 2010

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