Ahem. For I am long-winded with the words it seems

Feb 07, 2010 22:38

Okay, so the drabbles have been turning into more of ficlets... so I give you excerpts of a few of them!

nevcolleil, A little bit of Chad Allen/Sebastian Spence RPS

"C'mon," Chad said, pulling on his robe and waving Sebastian back towards his trailer. Chad was surprisingly on the outs with his beau Jeremy - whom Sebastian had actually met and liked... He'd seemed to be a good fit for Chad, but there'd been some blow up and Chad had been a little edgy lately. Perhaps he'd been taking his cue from Chad and that's why things were turning out a little more awkward and off-putting on film than before. Sebastian pondered this as he trotted along after Chad, his jeans and t-shirt a welcome relief from boxers and make-up.

Chad was already pulling things out of his mini fridge for sandwiches and he passed a beer across the tiny table towards Sebastian's side - he had a side now with all the time they'd been spending together - it was funny, and a little cute to imagine them having a routine together.

- - -

thunder_nari, A teensy bit of Nathan Fillion/Misha Collins RPS

"Five ball, corner pocket," Misha called with a tone that Nathan could only call cocky. Oh, it was skillfully hidden, but the man was clearly feeling confident about something. Or possibly everything if his tweets were anything to go by.

"Glad you found time to make it over to this neck of the woods," Nathan commented gamely. It was a shame, Misha working out in Vancouver and Nathan in New York these days. Didn't make for many chances to 'catch up.' Not that he was trying to bust Misha's concentration with jibber jabber, but hey, if he did, he di--

- - -

And for theferretgirl, the beginnings of some Wes/Wilson, Tim/Don

He gave James a mushy smile. "I love you," he added for good measure. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but I love you and apparently should take you out for a night on the town more often," he add with a laugh.

James grinned broadly too and kissed him again. "That you definitely shou-"

There was a loud crash down the small street next to them and both of their heads whipped around to see a huge- hugely enormous- "Good lord," Wesley breathed, automatically pushing James aside and then behind him, instincts ever kicking in. These last few years his first response to trouble was to make sure James was away from the line of fire. Whatever happened after that... Well, he did his best to remember that he'd told James countless times that *his* job was to run whenever something like this happened. Wesley's job was to take care of it. He'd also ground it into James that he worked best when he didn't have to worry that James was safe. No ifs ands or buts, James was to run and not come back, no matter how much time had passed. Of course that last bit didn't seem to stick much. Though he had to admit it was nice having a doctor at the ready when he did get into scuffles bigger than he could handle.

This one though, this one would be easy. If he happened to have his Grouf powder on him. But alas. Nights out on the town did not loan themselves to extra accoutrements. But he did have his knives that would certainly help the scrappy fellow trying ineffectively to beat up - or get away from, it wasn't clear - the Grouhilder beast he'd stumbled upon.

wes/wilson, requests, my fic, nathan/misha, fic: preview, chad/sebastian

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