
Jan 01, 2010 04:19

Happy New(s) Year! Wishing everyone all the best news for the coming year. :)

A decade ago, I started my first year of university. -Finished that

Also lived on the East Coast for the first time -about to finish doing that for the second time

Joined Livejournal -Still doing that

Wrote my first novel -hopefully will do that again

Owned my first kitten and let him go again, also lost all of the cats I grew up with -hope to never do any of those again

Got my first real job with benefits, bosses, etc. -hope to find a better job

Got my first apartment without assistance from my parents, took care of my car and insurance on my own -will probably continue doing that. :P Though hopefully there will be a small house in my future some day

Became a resident of a different state for the first time -will be doing that again in a few months

Met an online friend (and flew to L.A. to do it) -hope to do that some more (well, not the flying to L.A. part)

Hi, Barack Obama! Hi, Hillary Clinton! Pretty momentous, eh? (Voted in my first 3 presidential elections) -Hopefully these sorts of things will continue...

Met my best friend and we're still best friends 10 years later. :) -Hopefully that will continue despite changes in geography

Both of my brothers got married and I got two awesome nieces - ...I don't need any more kids around, thanks!

Got to see my first ever non-Nutcracker ballet -hope to keep doing that

Lots of places got visited for the first time -also hope to keep doing that

Discovered etching -hope to find a way to continue doing that

....I guess it's been a bit of a full decade even though it hardly seems it. I am counting myself very lucky for all the wonderful things in my life right now - and ignoring some of the crappy ones. Here's to many, many good things in the years to come.

happy new year

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